Miraculous Fifteen

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Alya cleared her throat loud enough for Marinette to hear. Marinette turned to her with a frown.


Alya nodded her head at Adrien sitting in front of them. "What happened between you two? I want all the deets."

"Ah, nothing much," Marinette turned away. "We just went for a walk. We talked. Ate together. He took me home. And that was basically it."

"So... No kissing?"

"Pfft, Alya, why would he do that? You think I'd be able to contain myself around him if he did?" Marinette pretended to laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you'd faint," Alya shrugged. "But admit it, he did kiss you and you did faint!"

"How do you know?" Marinette blurted, then quickly corrected herself. "I mean... How would you know?"

Alya laughed. "Marinette, you just gave yourself away."

"I know." Marinette sighed. "I was gonna have to tell you sooner or later anyway. You know I can't exactly keep it to myself."

Alya chuckled. "Marinette, even if you hadn't told me, I would have still been able to tell. You know how much Adrien hangs around you now? He pays so much attention to you."

"Alya hush, he'll hear you!" Marinette quickly said. She gulped when Adrien looked back at her, and he gave a wave.

"Marinette, he's waving at you. Wave back!" Alya urged as she took Marinette's arm and raised it up, then started shaking it to make it look like it was waving.

Adtien silently laughed to himself before turning back.

Always sighed, facepalming herself. "If only you waved back properly! But I think he found it cute. Oh Marinette, what would you do without me? Definitely not ask Adrien out."

"What?" Marionette frowned at her again.

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Get the hint, girl. I basically just told you to ask Adrien out. And you will. You must! It's an order!"

Marinette nodded.

"Anyway," Always took out her phone. "I wanted to ask you a question that has sort of been nagging me for a while."

"Sure, what is it?"

"Em... You know sometimes I come up with crazy ideas that might actually be true, but I've given this idea a thought and well, I wanted to ask... " Always leaned in closer to her to whisper. "Are you Ladybug?"

Marinette gasped. Then she laughed. "Alya, are you crazy?! You know how I'm always so clumsy, always forgetting stuff and doing crazy stupid things. I could never be Ladybug. Like seriously, compare Ladybug with me!"

Now it was Alya's turn to frown. "Well, you might say that, but I'll find out. You'll see. One day I'll see who the real Ladybug is. And I know it is you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"

Marinette looked away. "Well, it's not me. Keep searching for answers, Alya, but you're definitely not going to find Ladybug so easily."

"I think I already have." Alya smirked at her. "And I'm talking to her right now."

Marinette sighed.

"Listen," Alya said. "You might not be Ladybug, but I'll pretend you are for now until I find out who the real Ladybug is."

"Alright then," Marinette chuckled. "Keep calling me that."

And the two of them faced the front to continue listening to what the teacher had been talking about.

Alya, it might have been easy for you to find out about me and Adrien, but I don't think it's going to be so easy for you to find out I'm Ladybug.

Then she smiled.

But keep trying. Maybe you will one day...



Jk, jk.

No, I'm not, haha...


(I'm sorry I make the worst endings ever😅 it's like I have the plot planned out, but then when it comes to ending it, I don't know how.)

Sorry this update also took long as well. I was trying to think about how to end it. Haha...

K, bye...

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