Chapter 1

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My name is Tobias Teagan Kelly Felice McCormick Jr. but people call me Toby, I am Italian-American. As you know my dad died about a year ago no one found his body yet. Since then they mother has been crying rivers. She always mentions how great he was and she will never find someone like him, over the past year, but since he died I have been feeling...guilty

Tuesday, June13 4:07pm (I think)

Today was the last day of school, I ripped through the student exit doors and out into the crowd of student looking for Trevor so we could walk home together, Trevor is 15 and I would not really call him my friend... just an acquaintance

"What up Toby". Said Trevor

"Hi ". i replied

"Ready to walk home." he asked

"Yeah". As we were walking toward Casey and Elm St, I heard a weird high pitched girl yell not quite like a scream just a yell.

"Hey, Trevor did you hear that high pitched sound.

" I asked "no". A few minutes later I heard it again.

"There it is again, can you hear that" I asked again" Naw man, all I hear are cars, pedestrians, radios, and hobo's asking for spare change". Moments later I heard the sound again.

"For real Trevor can you hear that" I asked for the third time.

" No, I already told you I don't hear none of that shit". At the intersection of Nickel and Elm St. we went separate directions. As I was walking home I heard the sound again this time it was louder, I looked around to see if anyone could hear it to but no one seemed to hear it. I had enough of it so I investigated. I followed the sound for about one hour into the middle of the woods.

"Who's making that sound? Whoever you are, come out". Suddenly a big cloud of smoke appears. I started to cough, I felt light headed my legs fell asleep and so did I.

Sunday, June 18 8:32pm

I woke up. I found myself in a pale room with no windows, and the room smelt weird. I finally realized I was in the hospital. The door of my room opened, it was my mother and father rushing to give me a hug.

"IO sono così contento che sono vivi Tobias, non voglio perdere il mio piccolo angelo (I am so glad you are alive Tobias, I don't want to lose my little angel)." said mother.

"We're both very glad you're okay, Toby" said father." I'm okay, I'm okay". But to tell you the truth I did not feel okay, I could not control my mind at certain times, and it was like something inside of me was controlling them for me. I decided not to tell anyone (or I think it was my self-controlled mind did).

Monday, June 19 6:56pm

We were leaving the hospital and heading home.

"Toby. Why didn't you come straight home last week after school." asked father.

"I got lost".i said

"How did you get lost in a small city like this?" he asked

"umm...I think they changed some roads back there". I replied

"Then why didn't you call us" he asked.

"There was no signal". I said to him.The ride home was long; I could tell my dad did not believe me.

When we finally got home, my father was still mad at me for running off afterschool, but all my mom cared about was that I was okay. Later that evening we had the quietest dinner we ever had, the only thing my father was doing was giving me the stinky eye it lasted for about fifteen minutes until my mother broke the silence.

" Mark,perché sei ancora arrabbiato con lui, ha detto che ha perso il titolo(Mark, why are you still mad at him, he said he got lost on the way)"exclaimed mother.

"What the fuck are you talking about he lied about all that." said father angrily.

"Beh, lui è il nostro unico figlio non si dovrebbe tenere il muso a lui per sempre, e stare attenti con la lingua (Well he is our only son you should not stay mad at him forever, and be careful with your language)" replied mother.

Tuesday June 20 2:30am

I could not sleep my body was keeping from sleeping it felt sleep paralysis but, I don't think it was because my body was moving but I was not controlling it. Some kind of demon or uncontrollable unknown force was controlling me. I tried to stop it from taking over my body, but it wouldn't budge. My body was heading downstairs and toward the kitchen, and then grabbed the biggest knife we had. At this time knew something bad was going on. I tried to move myself again but I couldn't. My body raced upstairs and toward my parents' bedroom stopped in front of the bed and raised up the sharp knife threw it to my father. My father woke up and time stopped everything was frozen except the demon and I but I could not do anything because the demon was still controlling my body. Suddenly, the knife disappeared; I was transported back to my room.

"I can move again, but what just happened?" I asked.

Tuesday June 20 9:47am

"Tobias tempo per la prima colazione ( Toby time for breakfast)" yelled mother. I woke up arranged my bed and went to the bathroom, looked at the mirror.

"My hair look like a jungle and my breath stink and I do too" I said. So I brushed my teeth, took a shower and combed my hair. After that I ran downstairs for breakfast.

"Hello mother" I said.

"Come hai dormito (how did you sleep)" she asked.

"Umm....fine" I replied, but I had the worst night ever. My father came down stairs his hair was out of control, he had sags under his red eyes, he had spots of hair coming out of his chin, and his face was as white as the walls.

"Miele di quello che è successo (honey what happened)"mother asked. My father was pointing at me.

" That kid is evil and out of his fuckin' mind, I saw him in the middle of the night with a knife that was being thrown at me the a fraction of a second later the knife and him disappeared and after that I went into a deep sleep out of nowhere." he said.

"Come potrebbe essere tuo figlio malvagio, egli non cerca di ucciderti(how could our son be evil, he will never try to kill you)" said mother.


[grammer and spelling errors fixed}


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