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You're crying in an empty room when suddenly he walks in.

🍂 "(Y/N)? What happened?"
🍂 He'd give you a big hug
🍂 Instead of saying what happened, you cry even more
🍂 He says it's okay and stays with you until you're feeling better
🍂 After explaining what happened (your parents had a big fight (A/N: I hope this will never happen to anyone 🙏)), he'd look you in the eyes
🍂 "If anything like that ever happens again, just call me, okay? I'll be there for you."

🍂 After seeing you cry, he would immediately leave the room
🍂 Because he doesn't know what to do
🍂 But he'd sit down and wait until he doesn't hear you cry anymore
🍂 To walk in afterwards and silently sit next to you
🍂 "Do you want to talk about it... ?"

🍂 He already knew what happened so he was really angry
🍂 "What did he do?" ('He' is a boy at school who bullies you a lot)
🍂 You wouldn't dare telling him because you didn't want anything to happen to him
🍂 Because you knew he'd go after him and probably get in a fight
🍂 Yunho would hold you from your shoulders and look you in the eyes
🍂 "But seeing you like this hurts me even more, so tell me what happened"

🍂 He was talking with someone through the phone before he entered the room and saw you cry
🍂 "... I'll call you later, okay?"
🍂 He'd put his phone back without taking his eyes off of you
🍂 Sits on the chair next to you, turns your chair so that you're facing him and holds your hands
🍂 "(Y/N), why are you crying?"
🍂 After explaining everything, he walks you home
🍂 The following days, he'd always make sure that you're alright (All of the boys would actually)

🍂 He would go up to you and hug you
🍂 "Don't cry, please..."
🍂 He also wouldn't ask you to explain what happened
🍂 Because he wants you to forget everything
🍂 And tries to make you smile
🍂 Which isn't easy but eventually worked
🍂 "Ahh, here is the (Y/N) we love"

🍂 He would put his hand on your back and sit silently next to you
🍂 He wanted to say something but didn't know what
🍂 Eventually, when you stopped crying, he spoke up
🍂 "I don't know what happened, but I promise everything will get better"
🍂 And then you'd hug in silence
🍂 "... Do you want some ice cream?"

🍂 He'd go up to you and wipe your tears away
🍂 He would want you to forget the bad things, just like San
🍂 But also be a bit 'aggressive', just like Yunho (This time, it's your ex that left you though for someone else)
🍂 So he'd try to make you smile
🍂 Walk you home
🍂 And then his smile disappears and he goes to your ex's house
🍂 "You made (Y/N) cry."

🍂 Yes he's strong and could hurt anyone who has hurt you
🍂 But he wouldn't
🍂 Because the only thing he'd think about is your happiness and not something like revenge
🍂 He'd comfort you the first day
🍂 And care for you as if you're his little sister the following days
🍂 "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Hey!!! I hope you like this chapter 😊😊😊💚 please tell me if I have made any incorrect sentences!
Also, open for requests!!

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