Part 1

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Life's meant to be fun, you know. I think all this is up to interpretation and I don't think there's really any correct way or there's no guidebook in life. So you can do it however you see fit and this is how I'm gonna do it. I believe we're in a position, as our band is getting bigger, that we can implement certain philosophies and ideologies to progress into a brighter and better future for our generation to be remembered by. We've extended ourselves so much as Palaye Royale that, you know, it's oftentimes vulnerable, you know. That's for most people that's read my book that's often the word that sums it up is vulnerable. Which I think we all are in a state of vulnerability and I kind of extended myself in that way that's as we do in our lyrics and in our music to be an open format. So you can see yourself in me as I saw myself in other artists that I love. I think it's very important for everything in this digital age. Well it's not physical, you know. It's so easy to be forgotten when something's not physical. That's why it was so important for, like, the band when we released the Royal Times. Which is a newspaper that's mainly focused on consciousness. Our own and our fan base's. We have like submitted poems and sections for fans. And it's beautiful to see the style of my writing progressed into our fan's and you kin dog see the development of their own style and of their own thinking. The the most beautiful. If we can give a gift to anyone it's to let them know that what you think is perfect and it doesn't have to be bound by expectation. There's so much time on tour, especially when we were in our van state all you could do is sit for 15 hour or something driving. I would use that to write my books of existentialism and metaphysics. And just think as compulsively as I could. When remington and I first went to LA for like meetings and stuff, we took a cab, this was before Uber's. We took a cab to a museum and watched now my favorite documentary of Norman Foster called 'How Much Does Your Building Weight, Mr. Foster?' I use this like architect but he introduced in his film, he introduces you to a character called Buckmister Fuller. Which was like a, uh, a eccentric genius of the 1940's and through that I found out about Alan Watts. And that was, like, a huge thing for me. I kind of look at it like a father figure of sorts in philosophy and just in real life. When I was finding where my own place in existence was it's almost like I took a transcendentalist thought of finding isolation through nature. And going away from people in general and finding your own thoughts and what makes you happy. And it's what makes you tick. You know what scares me? When I was 15 I locked myself away for like a year and covered my bathroom floor, like ceiling, closet, everything. Stopped showering and started drawing in there. I got a little weird. I started drawing as much as I do out of the pain that I have. And in each new page is an expression of something terrible I've been through. Through my sketching I'm an architect. I'm planing for the new world called Calypso. Remington and I are gonna build an island off of Greece. It will and ode to Mont Saint Michel. I've always been in love with retro-futurism and in the 1920's there was a big movement of architect sketch-sketchers that never got their buildings made, but it was ideologies and like these great maps of imaginary cities. And for the past two, three years I've been sketching our imaginary city. Which actually is the, uhm, the location of where Boom-Boom Room is located and in the future we have two conceptual albums that tie into films thats called 'Wasteland in Wonderland'. And it follows the story of the Lost Boys and the Revolutionists in this town that we've created, this city, this island called Calypso. I bought this sketchbook when I was Paris. I was walking by Norte Dame and notched this beautiful little art shop. My first drawing is of the upper section of Mont Saint Michel. This is where Remington and I went for my 21st birthday after we played in London. It's the happiest I've ever been in my life. That's Remington and I right there, walking, talking about the buildings, talking about Calypso. And there's little hidden meanings and messages behind everything. Like Dolly's tripping clocks. I felt as if time truly stood still there just because there was no Wi-Fi, no internet. There 44 people that live here. I hope to be the 45. Then some ships of my mind. I hope have a ship one day too. I'm planing on going to Venice after May, but going to Venice. Haven't been there yet, already sketching it. It doesn't have to be reality. Thats the beauty of sketchbooks is there's no gravity. So, I've been getting into paradox, because I find it fascinating. Like this, for instance, yeah, it's a paradoxical image. Shouldn't be able to float like that, but with a sketch book you can make it. That was like in the city of Mont Saint Michel. You can see Remington and I kind of wandering throughout everywhere. I remember sketching this at like 4 in the morning. It was the happiest I've ever been. So this was right in Paris where we were staying. Right next to there, maybe. Which was, I think, a huge moment for us. It was like when I was out sketching or something at Notre Dame or even when Sebastian was in Rome. And like people come up to you and like 'They're Palaye Royale.' They say it so beautifully. Like Palaye Royale *insert French accent*. I'm like 'yes that band.' These are some prints. They smell like French vanilla. I always found it so fascinating that religions in general, they use sent to influence your enlightenment or spirituality, you know, with incense. There are just certain smells in a church or something and for some reason art has never incorporated scent with the image. And I've always wondered why that was. the happiest I am is our fans, our beautiful Soldiers of the Royal Council, come up to us and tell us that they stopped drawing or stoped creating for years and years and years and then they saw our band and it gave them the inspiration to do it again and to think and to be creative. And they say it with a smile on their face. That makes me so happy, just cause I know what I- you know. We've all kind of experienced firsthand what it's like to lose inspiration or just feel like you're a stranger lost and afraid in a world you never created. It's very easy to feel like that, but that's why we created this family called the Soldiers of the Royal Council. It's to be this kind of movement where we're all as happy as the next and it doesn't matter what's happening in the world around us as long as we have each other, you know. It's family, chosen family. It's the best family. I know it's often times lonely, we've all been there. I remember not to long ago Remington, myself and Sebastian were just those boys in front of the mirror singing and dreaming and wishing to do it. Yea, it wasn't too long ago, but it was a matter of putting your mind to it and it was honestly the realization that no parent, no religious figure, no teacher, no friend has ever told me what all this is about. No ones ever told me what all this is about, that means you might be the one with the answer.

Hey people! I just spent all morning and my study hall writing this out. Let me know if this should be the beginning of a fan fic or something. I need new ideas and motives. The writing itself is 1350 words. 

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