Chapter 2

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Yelling. That's the first thing I heard as I woke up this morning. I groaned and opened my eyes, rubbing the sleep from them with the back of my hand. I rolled to the open side of the bunk and pulled the curtain open so the morning, almost afternoon light filled the small space. I winced slightly at the pain the shot up my back as I sat up, well as much as you can sit up in a bunk bed. I kicked my feet over the edge and got up, swaying slightly as the bus accelerated down the highway. I grabbed my bad from the small closet and looked through it, finally pulling out some denim shorts and a Ramones deep red sleeveless shirt. I quickly grabbed my makeup bag and straightener along with the clothes and walked to the bathroom, making sure it was completely empty before changing. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started playing Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day as I started my morning process. 

Half an hour later I was dressed and had my usual make up on, foundation, powder, blush and then mascara and liquid eyeliner along with my hair now being completely straight now instead of my bed head disaster. I walked out of the bathroom, quickly brushing past Luke as I grabbed my bags from the closet and started unpacking. I hung small posters on the sides of my bunk and wrapped fairy lights around the top perimeter so it illuminated the small space. I plugged all my chargers into the outlet by the foot of my bed before unpacking my clothes into the drawers and closet then throwing the empty bags onto the floor under my shirts in the closet. 

Once I was finished I made my way to the back room where Halo 4 was paused. I collapsed onto the couch as I took the controller of the table and unpaused the game. I immediately shot the people surrounding me and proceeding onto the next level. After 10 minutes or so I paused, sighing and set the controller back. There were applause from the doorway and I jumped out of my skin as I quickly turned to see who was there, "Damn Nessie! I've been trying to get pass that level for 3 days now!" It was Luke. I laughed and shrugged, moving over so he could sit on the couch. "It wasn't that hard you just have to know who to kill first" I smiled at him and groaned internally as Michael entered the room and took the controller of the table before playing from where I left off. After a couple tries and getting killed numerous times he threw down the controller, "FUCK YOU." He shouted at the screen while I just laughed. "Try getting rid of the guy in bigger armor first than the smaller guys." Michael rolled his eyes before grabbing the controller and trying my advice. He quickly advanced and than huffed as he continued. "You're welcome Mikey" I smirked before standing and walking to the doorway. I looked over at the boys and tilted my head, "Do you guys want anything to eat? I'm making cheese toasties" I smiled softly, unsure of why I had just offered. I never offered, if anything I would ask someone else to make me food. What was wrong with me?

Luke and Michael were now playing FIFA head to head and both muttered yeahs as they concentrated on the game. I laughed softly before making my way into the "living room" of the bus and saw Ashton and Calum cuddling on the couch playfully, I stood behind them and just stared at them, " you guys want cheese toasties?" I raised a brow at the two, but as soon as my voice filled the room they looked up with a smile on their faces. "YES!" I nodded and made my way to the oven to start on the food for the boys and I.

Many failed attempted later, I had made 10 cheese toasties. Boys eat a lot right? It wouldn't be to much. I put one on a plate for me and another on a plate for my mum before calling the boys, "Cheese toasties!" Within seconds all 4 boys were running into the kitchen area and grabbing the food of the plates before walking to the little eating table. I raised my brows at the now empty plate in my hand and set it in the sink. I carried the plate to my mum and handed her the food, "I made cheese toasties" I smiled softly as she took the plate from me and took a bite of it whilst driving. She gave me an odd look but I shrugged it off, I made a cheese toasty I didn't clean the entire bus damn calm down. I walked away and went too eat my food in the silence of my bunk.


 It was now about 5pm and we were pulling into a stadium underground arena. When we neared the building you could here the sound of fans screaming and crying outside but we quickly drove into the garage and shut the door so we were safe. Now that I lived on this hell on wheels I was hired as a stage hand. I groaned as I climbed out of the bus, stretching my legs and enjoying the feeling of still ground. I walked to the side of the bus and tried to open the luggage latch where they kept speakers and whatnot. I took a cigarette out of the carton and lit it, instantly placing it between my lips as I pulled out a huge box from the cubby hole. Damn this shit was heavy. I heard laughter behind me and turned to see Michael standing there watching me struggle. "You know asshole, you could help me instead of just standing there" I shot him a glare as I pulled out a box of just wires. He chuckled as he came by my side and took a speaker out making it look easy. I scoffed and took a drag of my cigarette, slowly letting the smoke out. "You know, smoking is bad for you" He said, his gaze at the chemical filled stick in my mouth. 

"Yeah? Well damn, maybe I should quit" I rolled my eyes and went to carry the 3 boxes I had of wires to where the technicians for the show were set up. Calum was already there carrying a speaker around. "Probably the only damn band that helps set up for their own show" I muttered but then there was a voice behind me, "It's better than sitting on your ass all the time" Michael said, purposely running into me and muttering a sarcastic apology. This damn kid just wanted to get on my nerves. 

I was sitting back stage in a small lounge area with my headphones in my ears as I drummed the beat with my fingers on the table in front of me. I should have never got kicked out of school, I'd honestly rather be there than this shit place. I didn't even like them and my mum barely made any attempt to talk to me. Luke was alright I suppose, Ashton was to energetic for me and Calum was who I had gotten closest to since being here, then there was Michael. He was just a complete asshole and knew it. I rolled my eyes and groaned internally as All Of This begun playing through my headphones. I looked around and no one was here since the guys were all busy playing front of a stadium full of fans. I stood up and started dancing to the song while singing along with Tom Delonge.  

Once the song ended I was sweaty and out of breath. I leaned against the wall and pulled out my headphones instantly stopping the music and the sound of clapping filled my ears. I jumped and turned around quickly, I put my hand over my heart as if it would calm down the rate it was beating and glared at the 4 boys that stood in front of me. "Damn it you guys can't do that" All four sweaty boys collapsed on the couch and laughed at me. "But it was funny" Calum said and chuckled, wiping a towel over his face. "Plus you're good" Luke grinned at me, his dimples popping out in his cheeks. I instantly felt my cheeks blush but before anyone could notice I turned and walked out of the room and back to the bus to go to sleep for the night. 


I woke up in the middle of the night and sighed, reaching over and flicking on my fairy lights as I climbed out of the bunk. I made my way into the kitchen area and made a bowl of Fruit Loops before sitting down at the eating table. It wasn't an unusual thing for me to wake up in the middle of the night. I had been doing it for years and even medication didn't do anything. I sighed as I began to eat my cereal and looked out the window, watching the trees and world pass by as we drove to tomorrow's location. I was zoned out for a while, mindlessly shoving the sugary cereal into my mouth and only came back to reality as someone sat across from me at the table. I looked over to see Michael's once dark hair to be dyed a new fiery red color. I smirked and looked at it, running my fingers through my own boring dark hair. "You dye your hair in the middle of the night?" I raised a brow, pushing away the empty cereal bowl. Michael shrugged and grabbed a box of pizza that was left on the counter. "Yeah? You eat cereal in the middle of the night and I dye my hair. Problem?" He raised a brow as he took a bite of the cold pizza. I rolled my eyes and pulled my lip ring between my teeth. I stood from the table and turned to walk back to my bunk, but not before Michael had the balls to reach out and smack my ass. I turned and glared daggers at him to which he just smirked and I groaned quietly, since everyone was asleep, and walked back to my bunk and quickly climbed in turning my lights dimmer and putting in my earphones, Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade started playing and I quickly fell back to sleep.

A/N: TWO THINGS. 1. No, they aren't on tour with 1D so they wont be in this story. 2. I know I'm not going with the actual order Mikey did his hair, get over it it's my story. Also (I guess 3?) The song choices were just based on what was playing on my Pandora station atm so there's no "deeper meaning". (EXCEPT boulevard of broken dreams. js) So yeah, CHAPTER 2 WOOP!

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