Chapter 7: Feeling Faint

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They let him out the next day, he came out blue much to there relief, "Um, Hey?" he said,

"Will" Mabel said with a snotty huff and walked off, Dipper was silently laughing "Is s-something wrong, Master D-Dipper?"

"I can't believe you pranked my sister! Are you trying to get yourself killed!?"

"N-No, it s-sounded l-like a great i-idea at the t-time"

Dipper just wiped the tears from his face "You make me laugh Blueberry"


"Go do your chores huh?"

Will nodded "Yes S-Sir"


Will was half way through the chores when he felt dizzy, it wasn't the tired dizzy he had always known, but a sick dizzy, he steadied himself, "Will? Are you alright?" Dipper asked concerned,

"I don't f-feel so g-good"

Will fainted.


When he came too he was in Dippers arms on the floor,


"What h-happened?"

"You fainted, did you eat today?"


"I'm gonna call your brother"

"Wait no!"

but it was to late, Dipper summoned his brother who didn't seem to pleased with this fact "What is it Gleeful? I have other things to attend to"

"Will fainted"

Bills eyes widened "Where is he?"

Will leaned himself up against the wall, his head pounded, his brother came in, gold and yellow, "Hey Blue, how you feeling?"

"L-Like I f-fainted and th-then someone p-put my head in a v-vice"

Bill chuckled "Your starting to heal, you need rest"

"I don't h-have t-time for r-rest!"

"Yes you do and you will, Will"


"No buts!" Bill said picking his brother up "If its that important to you Will, I will attend your duties while you rest, is that a deal? Gleeful?"

Dipper nodded, they shook hands, the blue flames almost the same color as Dippers suit,

"Where does Will sleep?"

Dipper showed them to Will's room, and Bill tucked him in "Don't worry about any of it, just get some sleep"

"Fine, b-but don't be r-rude to th-them, Mistress Mabel has k-knives and Master Dipper is mine"

Bill burst into laughter "Pfft~ knives? I'm not afraid of knives Will, and I won't take your Pine Tree, I promise. They should be lucky I ain't murdering them, ever since they tricked you I couldn't live with myself, but then you and Dipstick fell in love so I thought maybe it would be better for you"

"Your the best b-brother anyone c-could ever ask for" Will said sleepily,

Bill laughed "You really must be sick Will"


Bill refused to make Mabel tea,

"Make it yourself, you have hands and feet and brains"

"If you are to be doing Wills duties"

"I will not be making tea! You can do it yourself! Its not that hard!"

"Use your magic!"

"Will doesn't have his, then I as sure as hell won't be using mine"


Bill just laughed,

Mabel's eye twitched "We had a deal!" she growled,

"I said if it was important to Will, and being a slave is not important to Will, therefore I will NOT be doing what you want, good day to you Miss Grumpy" he said he magicked up a cup of tea and took a loud sip, Mabel's eye twitched again, he had twisted the deal,

"Your fucking hopeless!"

"Hopeless is taken, unfortunately" Bill said with a grin leaning back in his seat,

Mabel stormed out of the room. (Did you like my hopeless joke? OMG I did it again!!! AHA HA HA HA HA! I'm a Riot!!)

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