"You know that I hate that, you cocky bastard," I grumble, crossing my arms in front of me. He only laughs more at my statement. I growl and go to launch myself at him. He prepares himself for it and moves to the side. I land on the ground, rolling to break my fall and landing in a crouch with my back to him.

I throw my head over my shoulder and I see him standing there with his hands on his hips. I rise to my feet and pull out my sword that has been strapped to my hip the whole time. I never travel without it as you never know what dangers are around. 

Especially in my case. Danger seems to follow me.

"So are you actually going to tell me why you dragged me out here? I'm guessing it has something to do with training but what with exactly?" He asks as if to simmer my temper.

"Well, as well as standard training like we used to do, I also need help with training my magic," I explain. This seems to peek his interest and he moves his head slightly upwards. 

"You seem to have it down pat there, Ky," he says gesturing to the charred grass behind me. I smirk at the tone of fear in his voice. I shake my head at him. "And unlike you, I don't have magic available at my finger tips."

"Magic in Storybrooke seems to work differently here and I'm still trying to figure out how to use it properly. It's either limited or requires a different method of accessing it," I attempt to explain to him as my reasoning is merely an educated guessing. He raises his eyebrows at me like he doesn't believe what I'm saying. I let out an exasperated breath and rub my eyes with my thumb and index finger.

"Look, will you help me or not?" I ask, flopping my hand in front of me.

He smirks a strangely satisfied grin and clicks his tongue against the top of his mouth, making a loud popping sound. I raise my eyebrows in annoyance, waiting for his answer.

"Of course I'll help you Ky," he says shifting his smirk into a kind smile. "just try not to light me on fire. I narrowly missed the last fire ball."

"Damn. I was planning on using you for target practice," I say snapping my fingers together. He chuckles thinking it's a joke. It's only partly a joke...

Over the next few weeks, Will works with me, helping with my magical abilities as well as regular training to ensure my fighting abilities stay up to scratch. Casual sparring compared to competitive swordplay. 

Will always was a skilled swordsman but after what happened between us all those years ago, I've put all my efforts into ensuring it never happens again. 

The years since, I've plunged into training as hard as I possibly can head first to ensuring nothing like it can ever happen again. I knew how to protect my self back then but I took part of it for granted and never bothered to work on my hand to hand combat skills. I got cocky thinking that all I needed was a sword to protect me which I was always a natural with.

Will doesn't prove to be much of a challenge anymore except for this one move that he pulls. It disarms me instantly and it frustrates me as I have no counter or way to stop myself from being disarmed. I can't avoid it or block his movement but I can't work out how he does it. It's a simple flick of his wrist upwards and then to the side making my blade go flying.

"How the bloody hell did you do that?" I grumble in annoyance for the umpteenth he's disarmed me. He chuckles and walks over to me.

"Let me show you. It's a nifty little trick. When performed correctly, it has a guaranteed success rate as no one knows how to counter it," he says proudly. 

He stands behind me and reaches his arms around me. He makes certain to keep a little distance between our bodies after the last time he got too close. We had only just started working together and he was correcting the positioning of my hands on my blade. He was right against my back and my foot instinctively flew up and connected with... you get the point.

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