Secret Admirer

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"Hmm, why don't we check the security cameras?" Brody suggested. "You did find the letter on your shelf this morning. Which means it was placed there when we were sleeping."

"But, no-one can get in here at night. Everywhere is locked up." Rod replied.

"Well, whoever was able to get it in here, has to be very sneaky or very small." Penny stated.

"Or small and sneaky." Bea added.

"Someone like... Mitsy!" Swift exclaimed.

"Mitsy? You think Mitsy's my secret admirer?" Rod asked.

"Probably not. But her family's the only ones who'd be able to sneak in and out of here even if the place is locked." Speedy stated. "Let's look at the security footage, shall we."

Speedy and the cadets walked over to the screen and waited while Bea brought up the video footage of the cadets' room from the previous night. 

They watched the video, with Bea fast forwarding it every few seconds till they spotted something moving in the room. Bea allowed the video to play normally so they could all see what was happening. Sure enough, they spotted a little white mouse in a yellow outfit, carrying a pink envelope in its mouth, scurry up to Rod's bed. It looked around Rod's sleeping space, as if trying to find a place to put the letter where he would see it, and finally decided to place it on his shelf, before scurrying back down and out of the room. Bea paused the video after that.

"Yup, that was Mitsy." Bea stated.

"Maybe we should give her a visit." Brody suggested. "If she isn't your secret admirer, maybe she could give us a hint of who it is."

 "I doubt that." Penny stated. "The point of a secret admirer, is that you don't know who it is until they decided to reveal themselves to you. But we could still give her a visit."

"Ok. But... what about training?" Rod asked.

"Training is canceled for today. I need all four of you for this lesson, so you can have the rest of the day off. We'll continue the day after tomorrow." Speedy told them.

"Why the day after tomorrow?" Brody asked.

"Tomorrow's Valentine's Day. And Bea and I have plans." Speedy replied, while Bea giggled. "And I'm sure two other birds have plans too." he continued, eyeing the bluejay and penguin.

Swift gave a nervous chuckle while Penny giggled.

"Oh, ok. Well, we better get changed before going to see Mitsy. We'll see you later. And sorry about crashing the Road Wing." Rod told Speedy and Bea.

"Don't worry about it, Rod. What's important, is that you're ok. And as long as the damage isn't too bad, I'll have it fixed in a jiffy. Go have fun and don't worry." Bea replied.

The cadets nodded before exiting the control room. They got into their regular clothes, then left the academy to go see Mitsy.

When they got to Mitsy's place, they saw her tending to her garden as they approached her.

"Hi Mitsy." the cadets all greeted the little mouse.

"Oh, hello cadets." Mitsy replied, looking up at the four birds. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" she asked, although she kind of already knew.

Swift, Penny and Brody looked to Rod, wordlessly stating for him to answer.

"Um, Mitsy? I uh... I found a letter... this morning, from a secret admirer. And since the academy is locked up overnight, we checked the security camera and saw you put the letter on my shelf before running off." Rod explained. "A-are you my secret admirer?" he asked, though hoping that she wasn't.

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