September 2007

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Present Day
I lay on my bed in a daze probably from the drugs i had gotten into lately. I looked around the room and my eyes found the 50s black fender Stratocaster propped up against the wall. It now covered in stickers and scratches from the many shows my band and I had played. My mind flashes back to 1996 in the guitar store.
"You're good kid"
"Can you sign this"
"Hi, I'm Todd."
The voices all blended together until they were too much causing my eyes to fly back open. My breathing picked up and I squeezed my eyes shut again, the radio began playing "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)". Our graduation song. 1997. Fever. This song brought back the summer of 1997 and my best friend leaving me for good. I start to cry through my squeezed eyelids, I ball my fists and punch my mattress. The whole graduation replays in my head.
"Remember me please." She said.
I snapped back into reality and threw the pillow I hadn't noticed I'd been clutching, tears running down my face. "Whatsername" was now on the radio.
"I'll never turn back time, forgetting you, but not the time." I screamed the lyrics at the top of my lungs into the empty air as the last memory of Fever left my mind for good. Everything in my life had caught up to me, the abuse as a child, my happiness leaving me, my sanity soon following. I reached for the bottle next to my bed and downed the rest of the pills hoping for a stronger high or something better. My hand dropped off the side of the bed the bottle slowly rolling out of my grasp falling with a small thud, my eyes wandered for a moment and then empty nothingness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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