The Party

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Eileen glared, focusing solely on one spot “Move the streamers more to the left. No! The right. Maybe it’s too high… Oh I don’t know!” she threw her hands up in defeat. Mira who stood on a stool merely sweatdropped as she continued to hold the streamers up for the indecisive redhead. “Mira right there is fine, I’m just too nervous. It's just, everything must be perfect.” Mira listened to her rant as she taped the streamers up. “I mean Anna does this for everyone, and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again, maybe being nice just abolishes any hint of fear…” She said sighing.

Mira stepped down and walked up to her. “Eileen, you love Anna more than anything else in this world, well besides Erza,” she said giggling “you shouldn’t let a moment of fear prevent a lifetime of happiness.”

Eileen looked up at her daughter’s girlfriend. “You’re right, and I can’t thank you enough for agreeing to help me, this would be much harder if not for you.” a gentle smile gracing both of their faces. “And hopefully one day you will take your own advice.” she said smiling and winking. Heading towards the kitchen where other party supplies sat in a box, leaving behind a blushing and speechless girl.

As Eileen rummaged through the box and Mira finally snapped out of her embarrassed state, Erza walked in holding a white box. “I’m here.”

Eileen walked out to greet her daughter “Hi sweetie, you’re late.” she crossed her arms.

Erza gave a nervous smile “I’m sorry mother, the bakery is on the other side of Fiore, meaning I had to dodge a specific blonde woman…” Erza stated indicating Anna as the blonde. “But anyways here is that strawberry cake!” she exclaimed hungrily, opening the box, looking at it with lust filled eyes and her mouth practically watering.

Eileen looked at the white frosted cake, it said ‘Happy Birthday Anna!’ and gave a content smile, “Of course I can count on you to get a cake here in one piece, despite my doubts. And get a good price too, you do  know almost every baker and bakery here.” Mira laughed at her cake loving girlfriend who wore a pout on her face. Eileen scooped up the box and carried it into the kitchen, leaving the two girls alone.

Mira walked up to her pouting girlfriend while assuring her “You know she meant that in a good way,” and kissed her cheek making that expression go away, “now let’s go decorate.” she said holding Erza’s hand and pulling her towards the living room.


After an hour of decorating the house, Eileen seemed more confident, yet it all disappeared when Erza walked up to her “Lucy said they are on their way here” this made Eileen spiral into nervous wreck, running around stating how everything needed to be perfect and nothing should be out of line, the couple sweatdropped while trying to calm her.

All of them paused when they heard three solid knocks, they all glanced at the door, Eileen's mouth went dry not able to form a coherent sentence, Erza smiled and said “It’s open.” Time seemed to go by in slow motion as the knob turned and the door was pushed open.


Anna sighed, as her and Eileen’s shared house came into view, her feet ached. Yet she didn’t want to worry anyone, so she kept silent. Lucy had asked her weeks prior to spend time with her and Minerva, Anna of course agreed, getting to know Lucy’s girlfriend was a great idea and did not want to miss the opportunity, but due to Minerva’s busy schedule with S-Class jobs she rarely had time, except today. They spent the entire day shopping, talking and being typical girls, Anna had no issues but eventually she began to tire, looking to the two girls she saw how happy they were so she continued on, taking breaks whenever she could, the day would go by fast. Or so she thought. How could she have known that Minerva was a shopping enthusiast? She went into every store and tried on every article of clothing that caught her eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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