Just as Kate stopped talking, I found my dorm and cheerfully entered. To my disappointment, my dorm members hadn't gotten there yet. As my mom started putting the sheets on the bed, I sat my stuff down and looked around. The dorm room was for four, but was divided into 2 rooms, so basically 2. I was happy my dorm mate wasn't there yet, since I got the first choice for a bed. I chose the one in the corner, next to the table with a desk. Perfect for studying.

I made myself at home as I put a few pictures on my desk. I stood back for a moment and looked at the photos. One was of me when I was 5, when I won my first gold medal at a swimming competition. The start of something great, I thought.

My thoughts were interrupted as my mom sniffed.

"Well, sweetie? Your father is downstairs waiting."

I nodded. As much as I liked my own freedom, I loved my parents and I would miss my house. I was not going to be one of those kids who never called or went home once in a while.

As we walked downstairs, I saw my brother next to Dad and I hugged him, as I felt him kiss my forehead. I was getting to feel like a three-year-old and wanted them to stay. I hugged mom, as my brother stood weirdly, trying to act cool in case one of the popular kids passed by.

"Come on Ashty Pooh!"

I said jokingly, trying to hold back my laughter.

He used to have a "Pooping for Tots: from Number 1 to Number 2!" Book. He thought he was better than me because I had "Peeing for Starters: Knowing When You Need to Potty!" Book, so he used to call himself Ashty Pooh since he had a Level 2 book and I had a Level 1, trying to make me upset. Now that we're older, the jokes on him and  Ashton finds it humiliating. But I bring it up all the time on purpose.

Yes, there is a story behind that silly nickname.

He growled but joined the hug, avoiding further embarrassment. After the emotional goodbyes, my parents left, and my brother went off to try to find girls. Typical him. I thought.

As I continued up the stairs I hoped my roommate was in. I found my dorm, quicker than last time, and opened the door. I gasped in shock as I saw a girl-and a guy around my age. They were kissing! She turned around quickly at the noise, gasping as well. Her lipstick left stains on his lips, showing evidence of the kissing. She cleared her throat as I looked at both of them akwardly.

"Well.. I am assuming you are my dormmate?" I asked her.

"Um.. Yeah. I am," she started, as she slowly started to push the guy towards the door. She then closed him out, swiftly locking it. Then, she took a deep breath and started to talk.

"I am so sorry about that! I wasn't planning that! I thought it was just going to be a quick kiss, but no..." She went on, apologizing. In the background, I heard pounding on the door.

"No worries! Although it was a weird..." I told her. She nodded and cleared her throat.

"Well I'm Andrea, who are you?" She said, plopping on my bed as I did the same.

"I'm Juliet," I replied.

"Nice name. So look, I have an idea. In order to get to know each other more, let's play 20 questions!" She said happily.

I thought for a moment, but gave in.



Hi my little.. Um... Oh yeah! I need you guys to tell me what you went to get called!

10 comments and 10 votes maybe? Just a little goal. I'm going to be updating for the fun of it anyway.

So guys, I know the story might seem like some more stories you have seen, but it will be much different! Also, if you see some grammar mistakes please point them out. Friendly critique is welcome as well! ^-^

Much love guys!

Love ya,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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