Dean took a few more steps and then proceed to walk back to the couch and sitting down, looking Castiel straight into his eyes. Castiel felt a lump in his stomach and he wanted to withdraw everything he just said, but he wasn't going to. Dean wasn't going to hurt him. Was he?

"It is a very big part of I am" Dean confirmed "and you made a very good point there"

"Yes I did" Cas said trying to sound confident, but the nervousness in his voice could not be hidden.

Dean took a deep breath and looked out the window behind them. "Ever heard of BDSM?"

Cas thought about it, he had heard a few things about that, but not much, he only knew about the dominant and submissive part, and then there was as if someone turned on a light in Castiel's head. "That was why you said you thought I was a natural submissive. You're a dominant."

Dean nodded and confirmed what Castiel had just said "That's correct. Is that all you know?" He turned his head to look at Cas and Castiel nodded, earning a little smile from Dean and Castiel understood why.

Dean liked that he nodded to what he said because he was the dominant and he had plans for Castiel to be the submissive, and Castiel just nodding and kind of agreeing to everything Dean said without using words must probably be something right in that direction.

"Well then, to make it simple and easy for you to understand right now" Dean started "There's one dominant and one submissive, but you know that, the dominant own the submissive, but only on arranged days, every day except those days you're free to do as you please. I won't own you in a way where I decided everything you do, but I decided which sexual act we will be doing and if there is going to be use of toys or costumes, and on those arranged days you're going to live here in this apartment."

"Is that why you have two bedrooms?" Castiel asked.



"Because, this is not a relationship, I'm not looking for a girlfriend, sorry, boyfriend, this is purely for sexual reasons, therefor no sleeping in the same bed, also no kissing, hugging or any other act of love outside our sexual act. You can look at it as pure business."

Castiel was listening, paying attention to every word as if he was in history class. Something about this sounded very, very wrong, but something in Castiel felt like this was right. Maybe he was a natural submissive after all.

"As said, this is not a relationship, but I am monogamous in this and I won't have any other partner, I hope you do the same, it says so in the contract. I can't control what you do outside of our arranged dates, if you want to sleep around you do so, but the contract says that you then have to use a condom because of the risk of deceases. If I catch some sort of sexual transmitted decease during my time with you, you will be held responsible and must pay all my medical bills, understood?"

Castiel nodded. He wasn't able to do anything else at this point.

"This is what I do, this is who I am, and the contract will explain everything even further."

"So this is what the contract is about?"

Dean nodded "Yes, but when you have read the contract we will adapt it to your liking and we will get an agreement on it. Does that sound okay to you?"

Castiel nodded again.

"And don't be scared, I won't hurt you nor do I want to. I don't get turned on by violence, only the feeling of power. You will be in good hands and I will make sure you're safe"

Castiel swallowed hard and nodded. It did make him more calm that Dean said he wouldn't hurt him because that thought had been on his mind ever since this conversation started, how badly will this hurt?

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