What are Bitties & Lamias?

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A bitty (originally from bittybones-au.tumblr.com) is basically a miniature version of your favorite characters from Undertale and its many, many au's!

Basically, they're small, cute buddies that wish to be adopted!

Nowadays, there are many, many types which I think I'll leave for another time.

Lamias are snakes from the ribs/waist below, as seen in the picture above! They can come in bitty sizes or full.

They wish to be adopted as well!

I got most of my info about lamias from vex-bittys.tumblr.com Check em out! They're awesome! (If it sweetens the pot, that's where I adopted my Chain lamia, so uh, you can probably adopt some babs there as well. Just a, uh, just a thought....)

C'mon, guys, give em homes.

Bittybones for Dummies (a guide to bitties & lamias)Where stories live. Discover now