Amy Rose's Wonderful Life

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(Amy's POV)

'Ah...what a beautiful morning today!', I said to myself happily, as I was getting up from bed for the morning to go to work. I have been living in the big city in the center of Möbius for about a few months now.

I moved out of my parents home a while back and I'm currently staying at my friend, Cream's house, after she offered me a room for me to live in. In return, I make her some of my famous carrot cake that she apparently likes so much.

After getting my clothes on, I walk downstairs to the kitchen to see Vanilla, cream's mom, cooking in the kitchen. "Good morning, Cream's mom!", I said happily to her.

Vanilla turned to me and smiled at me saying, "Good Morning, Amy! Oh...And please, call me Vanilla. There's no need for any formality here, dear.", she said sweetly to me. I nodded my head and then asked Vanilla, "Hey have you seen Cream today? I didn't see her in the house when I got up this morning."

Vanilla then said to me, "Oh! She left early to go to the park and play with Cheese this morning. She told me to tell you that so you wouldn't worry! She knows how you get when your wondering where she is. That's what I like about you! Always caring for my sweet little girl like she is your own little sister. How sweet!" I smiled at her after what she said to me.

Ever since Cream and I became friends, I've always been making sure that she was safe and not getting into any trouble. If Cream got upset about something, me or Vanilla would try and comfort her the best we can.

"Thanks! That's nice to hear that, Vanilla.", I said to her happily. Vanilla thanked me back as she was serving me breakfast.

I always loved her cooking. It was the best and Vanilla taught me how her cooking was done one time.

I then checked my watch and suddenly saw I was almost late for work. "Oh dear! I'm gonna be late for work!", I said worriedly as I quickly finished my meal and raced out the front door to my car.

I waved goodbye to Vanilla as I pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. I played some happy classic tunes to help me focus.


(Timeskip to a few minutes latter...)

I finally made it with only about a few minutes to spare. I get out of my car and rush
into the local bakery where I usually work at.

I walked to the backroom to get my work apron on and make sure everything was all clean and ready to go for this morning. I heard the front door to the bakery open and saw Blaze and Sally, my other two friends, who also work here with me in the bakery too.

"Hey girl!", Sally says to me with a smile on her face as she ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "Hey Sally and Blaze!" I said back to them while Sally was hugging me, "How have you guys been?"

Blaze came up and walked next to Sally, after she finished hugging me, and says, "Oh you know, the usual. Silver's been out of town for a few days, but he's been sending me text messages of all the cool artifacts he's found over there." I nodded my head at that.

Blaze and Silver have been dating for the past few months now and I'm really happy for them.  While they do tend to disagree on things at times, they always manage to sort things out together.

Sally then said to me, "Yeah, I know right!? The same thing is for Sonic and me too!" Also Sonic and Sally are a couple now too.

I used to have a crush on him, but after finding out that he didn't feel the same way, I decided to move on from Sonic. I was, at first, jealous of Sally being Sonic's girlfriend, but we both decided to put aside our differences and eventually we became good friends.

I was then pulled from my deep thoughts by Blaze asking me, " have you and Shadow been? Things going ok?" I quickly nodded my head from surprise after hearing this.

Shortly after moving on from Sonic, I bumped into Shadow while walking in the park, one day. He asked me what was wrong and I told him everything.

We both talked to each other after that and became great friends. One day, Shadow asked me to meet him in the park that evening.

I arrived there and asked him what he wanted to talk to me about. Suddenly, Shadow bent down on one knee and confessed his feelings for me and asked me if I would be his girlfriend.

I happily said yes and we been dating ever since. I then responded back by saying, "Oh we've been doing good. In fact, Shadow asked me on another date after I finished work today!" Blaze and Sally both squealed at this.

"OMG! I totally ship you two guys!", Sally said happily. Suddenly I looked at the time and said, "Oh my goodness! It's almost opening time! Quick let's hurry up and get everything set up!"

We all then quickly finished getting everything ready to go and opened up the bakery. Customers came crashing in and we all were super busy helping them out as best as we can.


(Timeskip to closing time...)

Finally, it's closing time! I'm so completely exhausted and so are the others too.

We've been working nonstop making and serving treats to customers. I had to drink water in order to stay awake, but it was all worth it.

After helping clean up the place and close up shop for the night, I waved to the others goodnight and went back home. I had already called and asked Shadow if we could reschedule our date for tomorrow, since it was the weekend and we don't work on those days.

He said ok and goodnight to me. I said the same thing to him and hung up as I pulled up in the driveway.

I used the house key Vanilla gave to me and entered the house. It was quiet and dark inside.

'Probably everyone is asleep...', I said to myself as I walked up the stairs and to my room. I took off my clothes, put on my nightgown, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed.

I thought to myself that today was an ordinary, but nice day today. "I can't wait for what tomorrow has in store for me!", I said quietly to myself.

And then I drifted off to sleep dreaming of happy thoughts. Little did I know that my happy life was about to change forever...

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