Best Daddy Ever

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I don't know if it was the sprite cranberry, or the look in Brendon Urie's eyes, but something made tell him everything. How I'm the perfect mix of quirky and introverted to be an egirl, about my tiktok addiction, about my mother. And even a bit about my stepbrother. By the time I had finished we were both in tears and Alexa was playing 'On The Floor' by IceJJFish. Brendon Urie takes another hit from his bong before looking at me with squinty, bloodshot eyes. "If I've learnt one thing from 'Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life', it's that people in love need to be together", he says to me. He tells me about his plan, "we pretend to Will Smith as the genie that you've left your blusher at your mum's house and that you need it for your egirl transformation tiktok video. I'll take you back to get it and whilst I'm distracting your mother by performing a shirtless rendition of 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies', you go upstairs and tell your stepbrother to meet us at Peppa Pig World in 20 minutes." "Why Peppa Pig World?", I ask. "Because Daddy Pig is a snac", he replies. I nod. We spend the rest of the afternoon braiding each others hair and watching 'My Little Pony' until Will Smith as the genie gets back from work. Brendon Urie explains the fake blusher situation to him, and we're set to leave in 20 minutes. I spend the car journey singing 'Thotiana' by Blueface. We pull up outside my mothers house. Brendon Urie looks at me and reassures me by asking "does Mike Wazowski wink or blink?". I know we've only just met but I can already tell that he's going to be the best daddy ever. We approach the door and knock. As soon as we hear shuffling on the other side, Brendon rips his shirt off and starts singing, "Oh, well imagine". As my mother opens the door her eyes widen and she begins to scream and jump up and down. I make my way past her and head up the stairs. I get to my stepbrothers door, and I don't know why, but for some reason I pause and listen. That's when I notice a Morphe pallete below me. I hear an unfamiliar voice coming from the other side of the door. "Can you get off of me, you're honestly kind of heavy", it says. "Is that a fat joke?" My stepbrother replies. I can't take it anymore. I'm confused and angry. I walk in and say, "did you just call my stepbro fat?". I find my stepbrother, and the love of my life, on top of James Charles. I start to feel sick and dizzy. I hear a faint "hey sisters" before the world goes black. I must have fainted again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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