Blue Ink

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There was a quiet time

tangled far too long ago,

where tendrils of memory

can barely brush:

when I wrote silent pictures on lines

printed across yellowed pages

and I heard my teacher say,

murmured from a book gravity favoured,

that a picture speaks a thousand words

or so I heard,

but it never really settled—

simply floated around;

but like the dust that the air holds,

sometimes the sunlight

magnifies the gold tenfold

and when every shining spec

of thought came out to listen,

their origins left not a glisten

but now I paint my poems

with loops and with bends;

I spread words and inks

on new paper under my fingers

that spoke its longing for a brush

to recite all its thoughts

in broad strokes of phtalocyanine blue.

it captivated my skin,

so I lent it my hands

I find it strange how

my hands seem to listen to

the paper more than my mind;

but my pen is my stethoscope,

and my poem is a picture

my painting is a story

of how my heart

learned to speak

a thousand words

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