Start from the beginning

Cho: Yeah Padma..go ahead Draco I'm waiting for you to get onto one knee

*Draco's pride took over and his dignity grew stronger*

Draco: No Cho I don't need you

Cho: okay whatever you say sweetie

Cho then walks to her seat with Padma and a couple of other girls chattering around her and giving her attention and praising her

Padma: I heard Dean likes you

Parvati: Yeah And I heard one of the Weasley boys Fred or George thought you were hot

Romilda: Every guy on the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw team stop to see you past the hallway

*Draco rolls his eyes*

Now they just trying to give her a big head

Hermione then walks in towards Draco with a pep in her step then Draco wraps his arm around Hermione shoulder gives her a kiss on the head then Cho and Padma were in shock

Parvati: Wow..Ha..looks like Draco and Granger are a thing

*Cho looks at Draco and Hermione then Draco hands her a note that said "Hermione 💝" and Cho turns red in the face with anger*

Hermione: powdered unicorn horn. It should be a turquoise blue when finished and simmered before being consumed

Slughorn is : Very Well uh 15 points to Gryffindor

*Cho turned to see Draco whisper into Hermione's ear and now she was definitely mad*

*Draco whispers into Hermione's ear*

Draco: your doing good

*Draco gives a smirk at Hermione as she gives one back*

Why is my heart racing..Get a grip Hermione this is all for the deal and soon enough the way Cho is looking at us by next week these two will be dating Again

Hermione's chocolate eyes are beautiful I just want to pull her in and kiss her..What the bloody hell am I saying get a grip Draco this is just a deal


Slughorn: Alright I need you guys to pick your partners only two in each group

Cho stands up and walks
over to Draco and Hermione table Cho kinda shocked Hermione to the side

Cho: Draco wanna be partners

Draco: Sorry Cho I already got a partner..Granger let's go

*Draco takes Hermione's hand and walks her to another table leaving Cho there pouting, once Draco and Hermione arrive to a empty table*

Draco: It's working and not once have you slapped me

Hermione: Don't count on it

Draco: Okay so this potion

Hermione: right so I need you to get Powdered moonstone, syrup of hellebore, powdered porcupine quills, and powdered unicorn horn

*Draco scratches his head*

Draco: Can you say that slowly one more time

*Hermione rolls her eyes*

*Hermione then pulls out her quill and starts to write down the ingredients she then gives the paper to Draco*

*Draco pulls out his wand*

Draco: Accio-

Hermione: Ah ah ah Malfoy

*Hermione grabs Draco wrist that had the wand in it then lowers it*

Hermione: This ingredients you have to get yourself cause if you drop as to one potion you can cause damage to all the kids in this class

Draco: Granger do you really think I would hurt anyone in this classroom

Hermione: Yes..As a matter of fact I do

*Draco rolls his eyes then gets up to grab the potions then comes back*

Draco: There Granger now do the potion

Hermione: Oh I'm sorry was that an attitude

*Draco turns to look Cho staring at them*

Draco: What no...*clears throat* Um babe

*Hermione shakes her head sarcastically*

Draco: If there anything else you need help with

Hermione: no..just a little more positive attitude would do


*Draco pushes Hermione up against the wall with one arm leaning against the wall as Hermione stares at him with her books in her hand as Cho and her posse of girls pass by them*

She smells perfect and her eyes..god I can't get over her eyes..She's perfect

Hermione: uh Draco you can move now

*I snap back into reality*


Draco: Right...uh I will see you later

Hermione: Right

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To all the boys I've loved before (Harry Potter version)Where stories live. Discover now