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//Author's Note: For the prologue, everything is in 'normal' world stuff. The world isn't made of blocks. //


The world had turned to hell in the time it took for them to fall asleep and to wake up again. People woke up to the sound of screams and the sound of cannons open firing and the sounds of buildings collapsing and breaking.

Many an elf ran out into the street to get a glimpse of human bandits and marauders breaking into homes and taking what they wished. The notable sound of Dwarven machinery was heard in the distance and struck fear into the hearts of the soldiers defending the walls.

Meanwhile, a storm awaited the Glass Castle. The beautiful monument the King once took pride in was now the source of doom as a well placed cannon made it all crumble down. The monarch was seen impaled on his throne, his family close by with a similar fate.

And then the dragon-folk came, bringing with them their monstrous pets. The dragons spewed fire across the kingdom and picked off the stragglers. In the end, there were no survivors. The kingdom of Aibron was gone.

The gods, once worshipped, felt themselves fading. Then they began planning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2014 ⏰

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