4: The Meetup and The Plan

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Kaede ushered past me and Tess. I knew what she was doing; she was gonna throw a knife and try to hit June. Okay, keep the storyline going we don't want any injuries, especially not now.

I hear Kaede tell June something and then something to me and Tess. "Stay back." She warns as we scoot farther into the broken building.

I try to remember what they're talking about. It was something like June bargaining with Kaede and the Patriots to help Day escape. I don't need to try and listen in on what they're saying, I already know. I then hear a voice which is probably June's say, "Tess?"

Tess lurks out from behind the shadows, "Hello," She says. "How is Day? is he okay?" I can see her expression fill with sadness again. June nods at Tess's answer and continues her talk with Kaede. After their talking is complete I hear Kaede speak out, "Drop your weapons." June obligates and drops the knifes which make a piercing slap of metal against the broken concrete. Kaede proceeds to kick them out of range and asks her more about tracking gear and whatnot.

After some moments, their conversation ends while Kaede walks in smirking showing the wad of cash to Tess. Tess's eyes widen at the sight. "Now this ain't for us, but hey at least you get Day." I notice Tess's face becomes less scared and more hopeful. "So what's the plan?" I ask nervously. Kaede begins, "Well we gotta tell the crew to get a helicopter ready and motorcycles for an easy escape. After that we head to Vegas." She stashes the money into a separate bag.

"Hey kid," She asks. "Now we might need your hacking." I feel myself smile at that. "Okay, I'm ready." I feel pretty excited at the thought of helping Day escape. Maybe with my help we can get John out. But then who will act as Day? If we get John out safely, then the Republic will be furious that no one got sentenced. And didn't the book say that Republic will already know that it wasn't Day after a bit? So I guess it doesn't matter. I'm gonna make sure John doesn't die.

We continue to discuss our ideas on the plan. Kaede calls someone, which I'm guessing is Razor, about the plan.

After her call we get back into conversation, "So, we want to make sure Day and John will get out," I continue. "I can sneak around with some decoy Republic soldiers to help John out. But Day's leg is bad. He will need to have some guidance so the plan works out smoothly." Tess then asks, "What about Eden?" What do I say? I reply, "It would be impossible, there's guards all around and he's hooked up to a bunch of machines. We couldn't get him out since he's too weak and it wouldn't be the best to just rip all the IV's off of him." Tess nods showing she agrees as I continue on with the plan, "Maybe if  we call some Patriots to help with Day's leg it will give us time to get them all out safely."

After a while of talking about it Kaede agrees to have extra help to get Day out faster. She calls Razor and informs him on it. I then say before she ends the call, "Make sure you remind him that Day's execution date will actually be changed to tomorrow night." Kaede looks at me confused but then tells Razor. I smile knowing that at least we might get John out so hopefully later on Day doesn't hate Anden too much.

Kaede then tells us, "Wanna meet the gang?" I feel ecstatic, "Hell yeah!" I high five her. Tess laughs at. After that we all leave the bar in a silent manner as we sneak out into the shadows of the night.

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