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"j, kiss me." he says while holding eye contact with her.

those words made her stomach turn, but in a good way.

she looks towards ethan's eyes, then to his lips and slowly making her eyes travel back to his lips.

her heart began to beat faster and she felt as if he could hear it cause of how loud it was.

she then slowly turned her head ever so slightly on an angle, as she also started to lean towards him.

he caught onto the memo by also doing the same.

he felt sick to his stomach, but he knew it was just his nerves playing games with him.

he watched her eyes flutter shut, he also let his warm hazel eyes close lightly.

just then their lips meet.

their lips began to move in sync, as if their lips have already done this before in past.
but they haven't.

she grabbed onto his cheek deepening the kiss as her head tilted the other way causing his to do the same.

he also grabbed onto her, but instead of her cheek he grabbed behind her neck, lightly of course.

they both pulled away from each other's grip.

she giggled to her self as she looked at his red swollen lips.

"you know, for that being your first time kissing someone you're not too bad kiddo" jordyn says as she wipes her lips with the bottom of her shirt.

he smirks to himself "i'm not 'too bad' i'm fucking great." ethan says while eating his last few fries.

"eh, i wouldn't give yourself too much credit" she says as she lightly pats his back.

- on the way to jordyn's -

jordyn couldn't help herself but to think about the kiss while on the way home.

she was lying earlier when she said he wasn't 'that bad' because in all honesty she thought he was really good.

she felt warmth rush towards her cheeks just from the thought of his lips on hers.

she was confused though, because she liked ethan as a best friend, nothing else.

not a crush, not a boyfriend, just a best friend.

her eyebrows narrow as she kept thinking about the confusion she's feeling, she was annoyed with her feelings and thoughts.

she turned her attentions from the window towards ethan, he looked peaceful and clueless.

she looked at his features as she was also thinking about the kiss.

she guided her attention towards the side mirrors on the car as she slouched in the seat and rested her elbow on the door.

she looked at herself  in the mirror and thought.

do i have a crush on ethan?

- a/n -

aye i finally uploaded, also sorry for a short upload.
i've just been busy, anyways have a nice day:)

- n<33

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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