He started to write again,

Hi Sophie!

"What?! No! This is supposed to look romantic Hort!" He argued to himself and threw the paper away.

He wrote once more, but each time he hated the way he started it.

He finally stood up noticing the sun was about to come and went outside his room to see a fellow Never. He did and it was Ravan. "Hey! Do you have a dictionary?" Hort asks desperately. "Why in the world would you think I have a dictionary, huh?" He retorted, Hort tilted his head "I don't know, just asking..." he shrugs. But Ravan just gave Hort a judging stare and slowly gave him a dictionary from under his coat.

"Oh thanks!" He says receiving the book. Before going inside he stopped "Wait! Ravan! This isn't magical or anything, is it?"
Ravan grimaced, "Everything here is magical Hort." He answered before going down the halls.

Hort went back inside and opened the book and before he could, it started talking, with the pages as it's tounge and the cover as it's lips, it said "What word do you wish to look for?" Which sounded like a young woman.

Hort poker faced at it before answering, "Uhh I guess.. synoyms for 'like'?"
The pages started flipping and showed the synonyms to Hort. He got giddy and grabbed a paper and a pen, but was still mind-blocked even after all thsoe synonyms. "Ughh! Why don't you help me with a love letter instead?!" He asks, and the book immediately reacts, "Very well."
It started spewing words out to Hort that might help him create a romantic letter. Until he ended up with..

Dear Sophie,

I know you hear this alot but, I have interests in you that you could never understand, feelings that make my head go crazy to the point where I believe, that I love you. Your blonde hair, your beautiful face. I will do anything for you. I'll devote my entire life to you. Please, accept this confession. My dearest Princess.

Hort smiled at his work, it was short but worth it, he turned to the book who was already asleep on the ground.

He picked up the dictionary and kept the letter in his drawer.

Hort went on to boring classes and some classes good because Sophie was there.

But the only other time he can get to hang out with Sophie was on lunch time. So on his last class he just couldn't wait and jump of his seat.

The bell rang and Hort was the first out the door.

Heading to the cafeteria, he looked around for Tedros incase he was near Sophie to interfere again. He wasn't. Good.

Hort ran to Sophie with a huge "Hey Sophie!"

Sophie and Agatha looked it him, "Uhh hi? Who's this?" Agatha greeted back while asking Sophie who the weasel was. Sophie shook her head and shrugged.

Hort's big smile died right away. How could Sophie just shake away the fact that she knew Hort.

Hort held his frustration. And looked back at Sophie, and she was looking right back... at the Camelot Prince.

Hort started stomping away and back to the field with so much more anger this time.

"I HATE YOU PRINCE!" He yelled.

"Sorry" someone replied. Hort this time had no doubt it was Tedros. "Why the hell are you here again?!"

Tedros stepped out the shadows, "I saw you ran away frustrated earlier." He said. "SO?! Since when was this you problem?! Especially to a NEVERBOY!" He yells.

The School For Good And Evil BL OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now