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Two years pass by, and I'm at the point of total and utter happiness.

Ariadne is now two, Shan and I witnessed her speak, walk, and grow so fast.

She wants to be a singer like me when she grows up. I smile.

I don't care what she is, as long as she follows her dreams and does what makes her, and only her, happy.

Shan proposed on my birthday also in these two years.

He proposed at the club in front of hundreds of people after one of my performances. I cry in front of all them, but end up saying 'yes, of course.'

We married 2 months later at the church were we first met.

Our honeymoon was on the beautiful Islands of Hawaii. We missed Ariadne a lot, so we left a week early.

A month after our honeymoon, we were delighted with the news that started a difficult but beautiful process all over again.

I became pregnant again, and everyone was happy. Uncle J was excited to hopefully be called the god-father of him or her, and Mama Leto was happy just to have another grandchild.

9 months later, Liam Kristopher was born into the world. Shan and I decided to give his middle name to him, as an honor to our friend Kris, who passed away due to a drunk driver.

James spiraled after his brother died, and he overdosed 3 months later. No one could help him.

Lilly and Bella were fine. She still referred to Ariadne as 'lil sis.' She was excited to have a 'little bro' now in the mix. Lilly got back with her ex-husband, and then later on, remarried him.

Liam's god-fathers and mothers were the same as Ariadne's, excluding Kris and James, and adding a couple of other really close friends of Shannon.

Years pass and the kids get older.

Ariadne is now in her 4th year of collage, and engaged to her highschool sweet heart.

Liam went on to a two year collage, and ended up being an entrepreneur.

Shan and I grow old together.

I freaked out when I discovered my first grey hair. He laughed about it, and a week later, he found his first one.

Shannon retired from the music business, but Thirty Seconds to Mars never died down.

Jared ended up marrying a nice lady, while Tomo and Vicki ended up having a child of their own.

Life was great.

Watching Liam and Ariadne grow up, I thanked God and everyone that was by my side through the whole thing.

The grey hairs, tears, and laughs were worth it all.

Shan and I live to see our kids grow even older, having their own children. Ariadne had 2 kids, and it hit me late that I'm actually a grandma.

I lived long enough to see my total of 2 grandkids grow up to the age of 4.

I lived a great life.

It wasn't too good in the beginning, but that really applies to everything.

I had two great kids, and a great husband that I love even to the grave.

It was a great life. No matter how many deaths that I die, I will never forget. No matter how many lives that I live I will never regret.






End Epilogue

(Music to go with ending: 'Sleeping with Sirens- James Dean and Audrey Hepburn, Acoustic version.)

Author Notes

So, we've reached the end of this book! I had so much fun writing this book, because so many people actually enjoyed it!

Special shoutout to everyone who gave me advice and props through this whole story, it meant and helped me a lot!

The people that commented, voted, and even read this to the beginning to the end, made me want to make this good.

1k is amazing, thank you all!

I had no writers block because of all the great suggestions I got, thank you again!

I won't be writing a STORY for a while, but to keep you guys interested, I will be writing a couple of 'imagines' on here. More details will come when the first part is uploaded.

Again, thank you guys for everything. You guys encourage me to keep writing stories! Xoxoxox!


(Story suggestions? Advice? Message me on here or on Instagram, and I'll consider every piece of advice!)

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