"Stand next to Jennie" Joy said and motioned him to stand next to me, my arm collided with his and his friends at the front started to tease him again and intentionally capture us with their phone camera

"Wow you guys look good together! Hanbin, try not to stiffen when you're with Jennie man! You look like a statue! " Junhoe shouted

"Shut up Junhoe!" Hanbin shut him up

I backed away from him to avoid them from capturing us standing next to each other. I don't want Lisa to see our pictures standing next to each other or else someday Hanbin will borrow his face from a dog

Days passed so fast and it's already our school festival day. The program is scheduled in the morning while the activities are in the afternoon in our gym, there is a social activity to be held in the evening and everyone is so excited about it. Our school field are surrounded by numerous varieties of booths which are flooded by the students and visitors coming from different schools.

My cousin's already lurking around the area once the program is finished while I hurriedly went to our rehearsing area at the backstage of our gym to prepare for our most awaited play. My brother would watch me but my parents can't for they have a business meeting overseas to attend along with my cousin's parents. I'm a little bit sad because they won't make it but I'm also happy because Lisa and I can freely date in our school grounds.

Joy motioned me to the dressing room to change my clothes into my Snow White costume. Hanbin already with his prince charming costume laid his eyes on me as soon as I get out from the room to sit on the chair for my makeup.

"Oh my I'm not exaggerating but you really look pretty Jennie" Joy praised at my back while combing my hair. My other groupmate went to us and started putting make up on my face

"True Joy, she might be the prettiest long haired Snow White I've ever seen. Wow your skin is so smooth" she said as she brush my cheek

I smiled "Thank you"

I saw Hanbin on my mirror watching me with his mouth hanged open, Junhoe with his dwarf costume was laughing as he held his friend's mouth. I only ignored them and took out my other phone when it vibrated.

I saw a message coming from Lisa

Hey baby, are you preparing? I want to see you

I opened my camera's phone and took a selfie on it. I send it to Lisa with the caption of Yes, you?

Not a minute after, I received a reply from her with also her picture on it. I mouth went open as I saw her face sexily pouting and winking on the camera's lens while wearing a shiny yellow crop top blouse with blue designs." I am too baby, let's date after this"

I smiled and replied "Okay, see you"

We finished preparing ourselves, I secretly wear my robe on to cover my costume and went to the seats occupied by my cousins in front to watch Lisa's performance. It's a good thing that our family is influential in this kind of matter. Lisa's class are the first to perform before us.

"Jen, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in the backstage to prepare?" Taeyoon asked as I seated next to her

"Unnie, you look weird in your clothes" Dahyun said who's beside Jisoo eating a popcorn. She laid her eyes on me and she smiled and muttered goodluck. Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung and Kai on our back are loudly chatting about how pretty the girls that came into our crowded gym. Irene and Seulgi is on their back

"After this let's have our own party, the social event is boring as hell" I heard Kai complained

"True dude let's just get drunk for tonight cause our parents are not around. So where are we holding the party then?" Tae asked

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