"Fogger, have you been working out? YOU CUT YOUR HAIR? Oh Aunt Anna must hate that!"

"Charlie, calm down take a breath. Here, have some coffee; we can catch up on the way to work. I brought you a bagel also. So eat up, get ready, and prepare for your first day as a lawyer!"

"But Fog-"

"No but's, now hurry up. Wear something professional, also watch the language."


"He gave you his hood- Wait. So you're telling me, the Devil of Hells Kitchen saved you last night and gave you a hoodie? Daredevil? That's some story Char, and lemme guess the 'Punisher' carried you home?"

"The Punish- No, idiot. I told you. Daredevil walked me home and on the way gave me his hoodie. Why is this so hard to believe? I, a beautiful young woman was in distress, and a weird guy in a red helmet mask saved me."

The sun was high in the sky by the time we had started toward the firm. The city way alive and in full force. Car horns, police sirens, laughing, yelling, cursing, everything you picture New York to be in the middle of Autumn. The crisp air nips at exposed skin, making the dress I'm wearing to be a bit uncomfortable. Recounting the events of last night seemed to be a light joke to Foggy. His hazel/green eyes lit up when I told him about the cheerleader comments. He found the whole situation funny, which by the end of the tale I was laughing also. The whole story sounds like some weird comic book illustration. A beautiful young woman walking down the street, gets attacked by a mugger, and a masked cheerleader saves the day? Almost comedy gold. It makes one wonder.

"So wait," I get out between a sip of coffee "You're telling me the guy that rescued me last night was probably an escaped mental patient? Great, and I led the guy right to my front door."

"HAH! No, idiot. He's just known as a myth and legend. He took down Wilson Fisk! The Wilson Fisk! The biggest baddie of Hells Kitchen"

"You helped too Fogger. Hmph, well last night I saw the legend. Like when those religious people see Jesus or whatever. I could be a prophet."

"Charlie if you don't shut up, I'm going to push you into traffic."

A cold wind rushes past, making my hair fly about like Disney's Pocahontas. With hair everywhere, I bump into a person waiting at the cross walk. His body is hard, lean, and didn't move an inch. Foggy cackles beside me and the stranger apologizes before greeting Foggy. His tone is light, happy, and sounds a little familiar. His voice is moderately deep, a bit monotone as if he's trying to mask the emotions in his voice.  The sweet smell of cinnamon fills the air as my hair begins to clear from my face. A small curse falls out of my mouth as I apologize to the stranger. His smile was the first thing to catch my attention, a bright white smile that could melt ice. Brown hair parted on the right side fell fashionably to the left, lightly brushing into his face with the wind. Round sunglasses tinted red covered his eyes, giving no hint to the objects behind them. His jaw was covered in a dark stubble, it made him look distinguished and hardworking. His fitted suit clung attractively to his body, one hand lazily in his pocket while the other holding a white cane. The smiling face turned to one of shock as if he finally realized someone had bumped into him. A pinkish hue kissed at his pale cheeks, while extending his hand.

"Hi, I'm Matt. Foggy has told me so much about you Charlotte."

"Um hi, and please call me Charlie; Charlotte makes me feel like a Puritan."

"Alright Charlie, it's nice to meet you. Foggy told me that you're our new employee?"

"It looks that way Matty. I hope you're okay with a powerful, intelligent, good-looking woman coming in and running shit."

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