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Alyssa's pov

I got off the plane and smelt the jersey air.

I walked to baggage claim and found my bag.

Once I got it I walked towards the doors. Once I was outside I saw the two brunette boys leaning on a blue car.

I walked over and hugged both of them. "One question! Just one! Why?" I asked annoyed.

"I have no idea! We haven't been at home in a month because of it. We came home yesterday and stayed at a hotel so that we could be here with you." Ethan said

"I don't know either! We asked and all she did was cuss us out at how stupid we are!" Grayson added

"Ugh! Jack is talking to cps to and the foster system she's in about everything. I wanna see Lisa!" I said as I put my bag in the trunk of Grayson's car.

I got in the passenger seat and Ethan got in the back. Grayson started the car and drove to the house.

-skip car ride-

As Grayson parked the car in the driveway my blood boiled and I punched the seat.

"Ok! Please don't punch mom!" Grayson said grabbing my hand.

"I won't! But I'm not sure if I won't slap her!" I said and got out.

I started walking to the house when Ethan grabbed me.

"Cool off for a sec!" He said

"No! She took my baby away! I already lost Elizabeth! I'm not letting her take Harley away!" I said and he shrugged and let me go.

I walked inside and before the guys could come in I slammed the door.

"What the hell!?" She asked walking out of the kitchen.

"You took my baby away!!" I yelled

"You are not fit to be a mother!!"

"How!? Tell me how I'm not fit to be a mother!!"

"You're a drunk!"

"I've changed!! I'm engaged!! I have my own place and I pay for my own shit!! I've been on my own for a long time now!! I finally got my life together and I haven't killed myself yet!! I've been way too close and you're making it way easier and you're giving me another reason to end it all!! Harley and Jack were all I had! I've lost Elizabeth and I'm not losing Harley!!"

"There's another reason!! You're depressed! Suicidal!! How do you think that's gonna feel on a baby girl!?"

"I wasn't before she was ripped out of my arms! And by the one I called momma!!"

She stayed silent. I was close enough to her that I could slap her. And I did! Hard!

After I did I walked out of the house slamming the door behind me. Tears blurred my eyes as I just kept walking.

-time skip-

I layed in the bed of my hotel room and sighed.

I had a bunch of missed calls from Jack, Daniel, Christina, and the other guys.

As I listened to Jack's voicemail I started crying.

I wasn't thinking when I dialed his number.

Loml💍- Hello?

Me- I want my baby back! We need to fight to get her back!

Loml💍- I know! And we will! We will get her back! She will be in our arms again!!

Me- I really need you Jack!

Loml💍- I'll see you tomorrow ok? You're coming home tomorrow and I'll be there waiting! I'll be there!

Me- ok

I sobbed saying that word.

Loml💍- goodnight baby! I love you!

He said before hanging up. I layed down and put my phone on the nightstand.

I cuddled into the blankets and cried myself to sleep.

Instagram 3//Jack Avery fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora