Wanna Be With You

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I don't know how to explain this.
I don't know little things about you.
What's your favorite color?
Movie? Food?

I don't know your family,
Or you favorite things to do.
I don't know your feelings toward me.
Are they good or bad?

But I do know I'm happy when we talk.
I know I feel tingly when you touch me.
I get sad when you leave,
Even if we've hung out for hours.

And I know I'm too scared to do anything
I won't tell you I like you.
Even if you told me straight up
"Aye I wanna date you."

I know I'm way too scared to do anything,
And I know this is confusing.
So I won't tell you,
I'll just write in this poem.

Hey, I wanna be with you.


I actually did end up telling the guy this poem is about. However, he ignored me for like a month+ after I told him, and then tried talking to me a couple days ago. I also figured out that I didn't actually like him, he was just a distraction for the guy i actually do like even though I don't want to like him.

I will be posting at least 6 poems today so keep a look out!

Peace Ducklins

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