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“are you going to tell me?” he asked for the fifth time.

I sighed knowing I cant ignore him forever.

“I know them, okay!?” I exclaimed a little too forced.

He narrowed his eyes at me but quickly looked back at the road. “what happened?” he bit out.

Part of me was happy that he actually cared enough to want to know and part of me was pissed that he didn’t drop it.

“I-I” I stuttered trying to quickly think of a reasonable explanation without lying to him, but not telling him about the rape.

“I used to go to school with them.. And uh jenifer used to be a really close friend before she started dating chris. Then she became very distant. Talking to me less, going off with chris all the time. I used to be utterly pissed that she was ignoring me.. But now I know. It still makes me mad that she didn’t tell me. But now I guess I understand…” I trailed off sighing. If only I knew that. Now I feel like the worst friend for what I did then.

But I also couldn’t forgive her. She should’ve told me. She should’ve kept me as a part of her life, not letting me get bullied.

“is that all?” he asked snapping me out of my thought process.

I hesitated and he noticed which earned me a glare from him which made me starting to get scared of that face. He noticed I was getting scared and softened his facial expression and layed a hand on my theigh.

I had to look away so he didn’t see the tears coming to my eyes. He couldn’t know about the rape. But I couldn’t lie to him.

Once I knew my voice was going to come out somewhat strong I answered him.

“yepp.” I said popping the ‘p’ so it sounded happy.

I don’t think he believed me because he became quiet. I looked over and noticed the way his face was expressionless and he gripped the steering wheel way to tight.

I looked back out the window at the passing buildings. We were back in town. About five minutes from the pack house.

We sat quiet for about two minutes when he asked his voice void of any emotion “was there a- a past between you and… the alpha… or the beta?”

I choked. He was spot on. Though I know he meant relationship but it wasn’t.

I shook my head because I couldn’t trust my voice.

I looked at him to see his eyes on me. He was frowning. He tried meeting my eyes but I looked down.

“why wont you tell me?” he asked and I could hear the hurt in his voice. “do you not trust me?” he asked and his voice cracked which made me feel extremely bad.

I grabbed his hand from my thiegh and held it and rubbed circles mindlessly on his palm.

This would be my second time lying to him when I didn’t want to period.

“there isn’t anything to tell. I promise.” I looked into his eyes showing no emotion, though I wanted to ball when I saw he had tears in his eyes.

He ripped his hand from mine and put it on the steering wheel.

Ouch. That hurt more than actual physical pain. I cringed and looked down at my hands that not even ten seconds ago held blakes.

I felt like a complete bitch but there is nothing I could do. I debated on telling brianna but decided against it. Blake was alpha and could make her tell him.

I was on my own on this. Yet again.

I didn’t realize we were home until I heard the engine shut off. I looked over and blake didn’t even look at me he just got out and slammed the door which made me flinch at the roughness. I watched as he made his way to the front door, his back was tense the whole way there.

I hate being the reason hes mad at me. I cant stand it. I need to tell him. Ya that’s what ill do. If chris dosnt get help with his pack then screw it.

I got out of the car about five minutes after and walked in straight up to blakes room not caring about the looks I was receiving. I needed to apologize and tell the truth. Screw chris.

Blakes pov


I needed to get her off my mind. Shes driving me crazy. Why cant I know about her and whoevers past. Its not like itll change the way I think of her. I lo-like her.

I took my hands off my face and roughly pulled them through my hair. I threw my hands up in the air.

Now I think I love her! Ugh im so confused. Why cant life be normal.

Wait no scratch that, nothing in my life is normal.

I heard a knocking at my door and stared at it wishing the person who was there would leave. Ten seconds later another knock came at the door.

I sighed and got up from my laying position in bed and went to the door. When I opened it though I was quite surprised to see who was standing there. Then let out a groan when lucy smirked at me.

“what do you want?” I asked not wanting your bull shit tonight.

She smirked even more and walked closer to me rubbing her hand on my chest “you look so stressed big boy, let me help.” she purred and got even closer to me so we were only about an inch apart. I looked at her in disgust.

“get away from me slut.” I said with true disgust in my voice.

“oh come on, don’t you remember all the fun we had, before that bitch came and took you away from me?”

Its true. I used to look at her as a trophy and every time I got a piece of her id feel like a winner. Now I look at her in disgust.

Then I realized what she said about Aubrey and immediately got pissed.

“don’t you ever call my mate a bitch again. Shes better than you. Way better. So in a sense you’re the bitch” I said venom in my voice as I shoved her away from me like she was trash.

When she spoke next her voice cracked multiple times. “you know you loved me and you know what she did was a bitch move. She took you away from me-”

The look I gave her shut her up real quick. She had fear on her face as I tried to control my anger.

“get the fuck out of here now.” I said.

She came closer to me to where we were an inch apart again with anger in her eyes and said “your little bitch will pay.” and with that was down the hallway.

I slammed my door closed and fell back on my bed to only have my door knocked on about five seconds later.

Growling I stood up and walked straight to the door and threw it opened yelling “what!” thinking it was lucy again but seeing a very surprised Aubrey there instantly made my mood better until I quickly remembered that I was supposed to be mad at her so I made my face stony.

“sorry thought you were someone else.” I said looking down at her. She looked pissed off.

“oh im sorry. wasn’t it lucy.” she said crossing her arms.

“what the fuck?” I asked looking at her. “nothing was going on.”

“really. Funny cause as I was walking up here she was walking down there and was touching her lips and going on about an ‘awesome time’ you guys had. So just tell me now.” she was fuming and I know I shouldn’t think this but her mad turned me on.

“hell no. I wouldn’t touch that whore with a fifty meter pole.” I said in honesty.

“right well I hope you had fun. Good night.” and with that she was gone.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and Im sure everyone in the house could hear “FUCK MY LIFE!!!”

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