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AN: This is a crossover with the books Graceling and Fire. It uses the characters from those books in the Hunger Games universe. Basically you will notice that Katsa has a supernatural ability for combat, and Po is able to hear people’s thoughts about or aimed at himself. He can also see everything in a different way where distance doesn’t really matter and he can see things behind him however that misses details such as colour. In the next chapter you will be introduced to Fire who is able to enter people’s minds to hear what they are thinking as well as alter thoughts and memories, this also includes mind control. I’m almost certain that as long as you know that the story will make sense to someone that has never read those books. Also I have switched around the timelines so that Katniss and Peeta won the 73rd hunger games and it is now the 74th hunger games.

I do not own Graceling or Hunger Games.  Thank you for reading.

The house looked abandoned. Maybe house was a bit of an over exaggeration, the unpainted wooden boards that made up the walls had cracks between them where the wind whistled through. Maybe I had mistaken the scream for something else. But then, the unmistakable sound of suppressed sobs.

I think I should help, but maybe I am trying to prove something. Prove that I am not the monster that the capitol made me. Whatever the reason, I take a few steps closer to the shelter. There isn’t any door at the entrance; Just a piece of ripped and worn cloth, flapping in the wind.  I rip the fabric away. Inside the shack a horror unfolds, only made more terrifying by its reality.

A young black haired girl cowers in the corner as a coal-blackened man stands over a woman lying curled up, bleeding on the ground. As the man notices me he delivers a fierce kick to the back of the woman’s neck. She goes limp and the little girl lets out a more audible sob.

It’s a horrible thing, but I’m used to this. The woman is obviously dead, but the girl still has time. Before the man can make another move I shove the heel of my hand forcefully up towards his nose. It is a practiced move; I can calculate exactly how much force I need to make it a killing blow or a maiming blow. He drops to the ground to join the woman in death.

I am a monster, but I will be a monster with good intentions.

I know it was the right decision when the little girl looks up at me, not with fear or disgust, but with gratitude. This was not a one-time occurrence.

The little girl opened her mouth.


How did she know my name, I had never seen her before? Maybe she had heard of me though. District 12 wasn’t a very big place, gossip spreads fast. But if she had heard the rumours, then why wasn’t she afraid?

She said my name again, louder this time.

“Katsa! Katsa, wake up!”

Then I jolted awake, my instincts forced me to be instantly alert. The knife I kept under my pillow was in my hand before I realised that I had been having a nightmare. I relaxed as I saw where I was. Light streamed in through the cracks between the walls of our small shack. Not the same shack as in my nightmare, but very similar. Po had already left, probably bartering for our breakfast. The little girl was older now, but still young, 12 years old.

“Bitterblue, what’s the matter?”

Usually I was left to sleep until I woke up on my own; then again usually I don’t have nightmares that make me sleep past my set wake up time. I guess it’s true that it’s hard to wake up from a nightmare when it’s real.

“The president has another mission for you, and you need to have enough time after that to get ready for the reaping.”

Bitterblue just barely bit her thin bottom lip at the mention of the reaping. It was the first time that she was eligible to be picked for the “great honour” of competing in the hunger games. After years without her father’s abuse that was still the only amount of weakness she would show, and only to Po or I.

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