Chapter 2

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I'm sitting in class and I'm bored as shit. All I hear is Charlie Brown's teacher talking"Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa". I need to focus because we have a test tomorrow and if I don't pass, I can't compete in the school's talent show.

Class is over and I'm at my locker talking to my friends when some girls start walking our way.

STACY- So Erica, I hear that you are gonna be in the school's talent show...

ME- Is that a question or a statement?

STACY- It's a question.

ME- Well, if it's a question then you should already know the answer right? Seeing how you came over already knowing that I was gonna be in it because you said, "You hear".

I turn away from this girl because ignorance is contagious and I'm not trying to catch it lol.

I feel someone tapping on my shoulder really hard and it was starting to piss me off. I turn around and it's Stacy....again

ME- What can I do for you Stacy?

STACY- You are a little smart ass huh? Noone ever turns their back on me...EVER. You must have forgotten who I am.

I had to laugh at this girl because she really thinks that she is all that.

STACY- What the hell is so funny?

ME- I know exactly you who are. You are the girl who is starting to piss me off because she doesn't get the hint and the the girl who talks to much. Now, I'm asking you really nicely to get out of my face.

STACY- Erica, you don't want it with me so I advise you to watch what your mouth.

ME-No, you need to watch my mouth and listen to the words coming out of it. I'm gonna say it real slow for you. Get...Out...Of...My...Face...

By the time I got the last word out, there was a crowd forming. They were just laughing at Stacy in which I think was pissing HER off. I looked at HER dead in the eyes and seen that she was really mad.

Now mind you, I don't like fighting because I'm to cute for that shit but I will thump if I have to and right now, I think I may just have to.


"What the fuck" I said to myself as my back hit the locker. I know this bitch did not just push me?

*Ahhh shit*

The crowd is going bonkers. I looked at Stacy and she just has this grin on HER face like she just did something special.

STACY- Now what do you have to say?

ME- That was real cute but you done fucked up.

I leaned back and hit HER dead in the jaw.

We were going at it for a good five minutes before some teachers came and pulled us apart.

We both had to sit in the principle's office. Mr. Madden came in and sat at his desk. He looked at me and looked at Stacy then just shook his head.

MR. MADDEN- You know ladies that you are in trouble right? Stacy, I am very tired of seeing you in my office.

STACY- Sorry Mr.Madden

MR. MADDEN- And Erica, I am just so suprised of you...

ME- but Mr. Madden, she started it.

MR. MADDEN- I don't care who started it. You two know that there is a no fighting policy in this school. Now, I've already called your mom Stacy and your sister Linda Erica.

When I heard my sister's name, all I can say is, "Ah hell. I'm dead"

I Am Erica MenaWhere stories live. Discover now