What's the rush Chase? I think we should just keep running, it's refreshing Jason said with a chuckle knowing why I wanted to go home.

Our Chase has finally got a mate to want to run back home to Lux said teasingly as we picked up the pace So when are you going to tell her about you walking on fours from time to time?

When I'm sure she loves me and won't freak out too much about it. I said sighing, I wanted to tell Kenzie I love her but she wouldn't believe it if I say it this soon and I want her to love me completely before I tell her something to scare her off.

We reached the pack house and as soon as we got in we saw the kids running down the stairs looking scared.

"LUNA! ALPHA!" they yelled and ran to Lux and Damon, the first people through the door. Damon was immediately on high alert, his eyes scanning the place as he sniffed for unfamiliar scents and Lux knelt in front of the kids.

"What's wrong?" I said kneeling down beside her. The kids looked scared 

"She's changing" Claire said "Kenzie is changing"

"What?" I said shocked, Kenzie wasn't a werewolf what were they talking about? 

"Her skin is hot and she's not answering us. Our teacher said this was the first phase of the change" Charles said . I felt myself panic and Lux immediately shot me a look so I could check hings out as she led the kids to the kitchen.

I sprinted up the stairs at inhuman speed and went to the kids' room. I saw Kenzie lying on a bed, completely still except for her lips which were moving and forming incoherent words.

I ran to her and sat on the bed beside her. "Kenzie?" I said trying to wake her "Kenzie, wake up" She didn't answer and I swallowed the fear building in me as I pressed a hand to her forehead. I hissed, pulling it back. She was burning up, small beads of moisture appearing on her her forehead and skin, her hair damp and splayed around her. "Come on kenzie baby wake up"

I tried waking her up feeling fear unlikike any other as I tried to tell myself it was just a fever and that humans get them all the time. Her eyes fluttered open, glazed and looking up at me "Chase?" she mumbled, her voice tired "You're...here"

"Yeah, baby. I'm right here" 

"Water" She croaked and I nodded immediately running downstairs and filling her a glass and brought a bowl of water and a towel after telling Lux to get Miranda, the pack doctor. She would help Kenzie and tell me what's wrong with her and I'd take care of her till she got better.

I got to the room and held Kenzie's upper body up, pressing the glass cup to her mouth and giving her small sips. Kenzie smiled lazily "Usually yu should be more into the relationship for you to see me at my worst" her speech was slow and barely audible and if it wasn't for my advanced hearing.

"Yeah well we're moving fast" I chuckled

"You were supposed to say I still look beautiful to you" She said with a small smile and I chuckled.

"Well, don't take this the wrong way honey but you look like hell" I suddenly frowned and looked at her sternly "You should have stayed home and called for a doctor"

"No...doctor" She said her head lolling back and I raised my arm so it would rest on it "Not...enough..money" she closed her eyes again and I my scowl deepened.

I laid her back down and bringing the damp towel to her forehead just as Miranda came in the room. She gestured for me to stand up and I reluctantly did and she got to work it felt like hours before she stood up with a reassuring smile

"It's a stomach flu and a mild ear infection Chase, don't worry, It's weird to have it in the summer but it happens."

I nodded as she gave me the medications I should make sure she would take and told me she'll be up and feeling better the next day. I sighed and carried Kenzie in one arm and the meds in the other as I took her to my room and put her on my bed, she mumbled in her sleep and I got in the bed and smoothed her hair and she immediately relaxed. I smiled closing my eyes, my wolf calming at the fact that she'll be fine as I closed my eyes and drifted off.


Kenzie's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling much better than the previous day. I still felt tired and my mouth was dry but it was the smell of food that made me open my eyes. Chase was standing at the side of the bed with a tray of food in his hands. "Morning" He said placing the tray on my lap and leaning down to give me a kiss "Now eat so you can take your meds after."

I suddenly remembered falling asleep on the the bed as the kids made the play "What happened?"

"You were burning up and not waking up so I called a doctor. You have the stomach flu and a mild ear infection. That was quite a stunt you pulled Kenzie what if it was more than a flue and an infection. What would have happened if you didn't get the right meds."

"I took care of Gabriel almost my whole life, I know the difference between a small flu and a serious sickness" I said biting into my toast.

"You scared me" he said in a low voice and I looked up at him and felt instantly guilty. I took the tray off my lap and put it aside "Come here" I said softly and he sat beside me on the bed. I gently placed my palm on his cheek and he sighed grabbing my hand gently and turning his face and kissed my palm. "I'm sorry I scared you." I said and he smiled

"it's okay" he said and leaned over, planting a kiss on my lips.


Jared's P.O.V.

I walked out of the apartment of my human friend since high school. He knows about me and werewolves and we've been friends since forever and walked to the elevator, just as it was about to close a hand shot out and and held it so it would open again and my eyes widened as I saw the person in front of me

My mate.

I stared shocked at the blond in front of me, with hazel eyes and an amazing body. "Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes" My amazing mate spoke and the voice was so I wanted to mate right then and there and my wolf urged my but I reminded him that our mate was human. "What's your name?"

"Jared. Yours?"

"Patrick" he said with a smirk "Did you just move here? Haven't seen you around before"

"No I was visiting a friend" 

"A friend or an your girlfriend?"


"Good" he grinned "Then you wouldn't mind going on a date with me? You aren't straight are you?"

"No" I said for the first tie to anyone, I had known I was gay for a while now its just that no one knew "And yeah, a date sounds good"

"Great. Meet you at Jo's at 7?"

I grinned as the bell rang and the elevator doors opened. I took a step towards him, grabbed him and kissed him right on the lips to which he immediately responded "Seven it is then" I said as I pulled away and walked past him and outside the building. My mate was a straight-to-the-point-person and I had to admit I liked that.

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