Chapter 2 - Hell starts

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Walking down the street with my bag on my back and my headphones on, blocking all the noise from the world around that I didn't want to hear. Ignoring everyone that passes by me as they were on the way to work or school themselves, already excited for school because I'll see my best friend and crush (c/n)! I'm so helplessly in love with him and it was so obvious

Reaching the school gates and seeing him in the distance I smiled knowing that all of highschool I managed to be friends with someone for a long time and that someone is my cursh, this is my last year with him and then we'll have to part ways after this year, meaning I won't be able to see him ever again

"Hey (c/n)! Sorry I'm late! I kinda got into the song I was listening to"I said walking towards him while putting my headphones into my bag, Looking up at him I saw people that I've never seen before, but they looked like they were from the 'popular' group' " Um (c/n) who are these guys?"

(c/n) just looked at me like I had a third eye or something, he scoffed while looking at me which I found very odd because it wasn't him to do something like that towards me, he kept looking at me with some sort of hatred, at this point I was getting so confused.

"Get the hell away from me, you freak!" He yelled at me aiming to hit me but i managed to dodge him, he grunted and huffed after seeing me dodge his attack toward me, he started to look down at me like I was the person he hated the most in the world

"(c/n), why are you acting like this? is it because of them? are you just doing this to look cool in front of those guys?" multiple questions started to fill my mind on why he was acting like this but he didn't answer me but instead he just swung a punch towards me, hitting my stomach making me lose my breath for a second or two "I thought that hanging out with you would lead me to fucking you but you didn't want that, I wasted most of Highschool because of you"

My eyes widened at what he said, my arms still wrapped around my stomach as it was still hurting from the punch,I could feel the hot tears start to roll down my face, I could hear the small sound they'd make as they hit the ground

"S-So....all this time you've never liked me as a were just using me so you could......." I said quietly feeling more tears escape my eyes and roll down my face. I didn't even know what to say, I didn't want to be near him anymore

I regained my posture and pushed him out of my way as I started running away from them, tears started to pour out more and more. I felt like I was in hell, I didn't want to be here anymore it had to be some sort of nightmare (c/n) would never act like that, he would never punch me.......right?

Finally reaching my classroom, out of breath and exhausted from running and the crying. Looking up and seeing everyone staring at me as I tried to regain my breath, blushing from embarrassment as I quickly got up and ran to my desk, keeping my head down


Walking home by myself, it felt weird walking all alone without (c/n) by my side it felt so cold without having him here. I'm still a bit surprised by his sudden change of heart towards me it wasn't like him to to do that, change of heart means change of mind doesn't it?

As I kept on walking I heard footsteps coming from behind me, I started to walk faster but the footsteps managed to match my speed before I knew it someone grabbed my wrist from behind and was pulled me to the ground, hitting the cold side walk beneath me

"Ouch......"I groaned in pain, sitting up and looking at my arm, seeing that some of the skin on my arm had been scraped off and was bleeding a bit I could feel the blood trickle down my arm slowly. I looked up and saw the same guys from this morning, looking behind them I saw (c/n) standing there with a smirk on face

Standing up and moving backwards to get away from them but they kept stepping forward and close towards me, hoping that they would leave me alone but they didn't they kept walking towards me making me almost trip over my own foot

"Why is a cry baby bitch like you even exist?" one of them said getting closer to me "No one needs you here" another continued "why don't you do everyone a favor and just never come back to school" another one said "do us a favour and kill yourself" (c/n) said

I looked at (c/n) with wide eyes, was this the (c/n) I grew up with? was it the boy I fell in love with all those years? No it wasn't.This wasn't (c/n) the boy I knew, this person someone else. a stranger that I don't know nor do I want to know anything about him. I was about to run but one of them held my wrist pulling me back toward them, They all smirked at me with the same kind of smirk, the type of smirk that would scare anyone that they pass. before I knew it, I blacked out


I opened up my eyes and realised that I was in the hospital bed, looking around and hearing footsteps come to my room I looked at who came in and saw a doctor smiling at me as they held their clipboard

"It's good to see you awake" She said smiling at me while walking a bit closer to me,

"H-How ? H-How did I even get here?" I stuttered on my words as I sat up, looking at my body and seeing the bruises that was left behind, the boys must've done this to me because all I rememeber was them smirking at me then blacking out

"someone called us and said that they found a girl passed out on the side walk with bruises and blood on her body so we sent an ambulance straight away to make sure that you were ok" She replied to me while looking at her clipboard "It's safe for you to go just make sure nothing makes the bruises even bigger" she said and left

I nodded and got off the hospital bed and changed into my clothes and left the hospital but this time running home not wanting to be ambushed by (c/n) and his new friends for the second time and get twice the amout of bruises that they've already given me

(1153 words and I'm done for the day because it's 5am here)

(Bully!Crush x Bullied!Reader) Highschool REEeeEeEeEeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant