Start from the beginning

Although, that changed when Elijah arrived in his life. Freddie started eating healthier and had a severe alertness when it came to the unhealthy habits he had. John reminisced the time when Freddie said "I want to be healthy for him, because when we grow old together I want to take care of him and thank him for everything he does for me." And that thought was quickly diminished from his mind and replaced with a mocking one Well, Elijah's not here anymore, is he?

Brian's eyes flitted towards Roger and John who merely shrugged and he sighed, deciding to be the 'dad' again, "Do you want to talk about it, Fred? You know we're always here for you, you're a part of the family after all." And Elijah, he added internally, not wanting to risk the chance of Freddie freaking out again when he hears Elijah's name. Freddie glanced up, agitation filling the bottom of his stomach and he let out a deep breath, contemplating if he should talk about it or not— before settling with not telling them the whole details, for now.

He still wasn't ready to talk about Elijah, the mere name sending memories in his mind on an overdrive and he can't help but be frightened every time he gets lost in a memory of the two of them happy and content with each other. Believe him, there was still a massive heartache that lingered on his heart despite a week that has passed since he left. After all, no one can possibly move on that easily from their soulmate. It was soon enough that regret would enter his bones and he just wished he could take back all the words he said to the man and maybe he wouldn't feel what he was feeling right now— shit. It was for the best. Freddie tried to assure himself yet the doubt triumphed when a snarking voice entered his mindscape, is it really though? If you didn't decide to be a coward and talked things with him, maybe Elijah's still your boyfriend. And the two of you are happy despite the long-distance between each other. You're just a coward, a mere wimp. Elijah does deserve better than you.

And it hurts. Freddie's own subconscious was actually ganging up on him and he blinked heavily as his vision blurred with unseen tears. He shook his head however, and placed a wide grin on his face, trying not to cringe knowing that the three were well aware that he wasn't doing any better. "I don't really want to tell you guys the long story here, since the recording studio may be sound-proofed but I don't trust that anyone here won't try and put a recorder or something to hear what we've been talking about."

"Your paranoid ass truly amazes me, Fred." Roger joked, trying to lighten the mood of the room and it was significantly successful, seeing the smile that appeared on Freddie's lineaments momentarily and the amused expressions on both Brian and John's face. "If you say so, Freddie. But we're always here for you, okay?"

That made Freddie's mood lift up even just a little, he even had to swallow down the sweet words that were about to escape his mouth because he doesn't do pleasantries, unless it's for the love of his life. "Good news though, Paul is definitely out." Freddie started and winced when Roger let out a loud whoop, "Fucking hell finally!" and John laughed.

"That's good, Freddie. No offence but we don't really like his company around you. He's very toxic." Brian straightforwardly said. "Yeah! I despise that bloody wanker." Roger agreed as Freddie quietened for a moment, "Why did you guys not tell me then?"

John decided to answer his question, "Freddie, we saw the way he manipulated you, but we can't get enough evidence for you to see it and believe in us without you thinking we just want him out— because he was already able to deceive you, we don't know how until Elijah arrived and something had to have happened because you fired Paul without any hesitation." The mention of Elijah's name made Freddie's heart clench while Roger gaped, the cigarette he lit falling from his mouth, stunned that John would really say that so bluntly without giving any fuck. Said man merely arched his eyebrow and Freddie had to control himself from telling how Paul kissed him and Elijah witnessed it and that was the beginning of the end.

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