Chapter 1

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my mom always told me we all have monsters in our head some prettier then others and some more deadly then the others then we have the ones that are the most dangerouse ones of all the ones we all fall in love with the sinful ones...

I always remember those words from my mom when i was little.

I just hope i dont fall in love cause falling in love is like having a death wish it will kill you in the end. But what uf for the firat time i can change it ?


My mom always told me about angels i always loved those stories it made me feel like maybe my sins can be cured of or forgotten.

She always told me about pretty angels with eyes like sprakeling glitter that wil make you feel loved and like you are worth something. Or my favoutite ones are the falles angels with broken wings and tear full eyes and looking for someone to fix them.

Who knows maybe if i can find myself a broken angel i can fix her and maybe she can cure me.

But one thing is for sure it will be like heaven and hel and good and evil.
No one ever survives those.

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