A House That Isn't a Home

Start from the beginning

"All good?" He reached for my hand but I pulled away, sliding out of the car. I popped the trunk, pulling both of our suitcases out. "Hey." I met Angel's gaze and I could feel the anxiety cutting through my eyes. His eyes were soft, gentle and understanding. "We will be okay. You will be okay. Just do it when you're ready, right?" I nodded. He reached forward to touch my face but stopped himself, pulling his hand back and turning away from me.

We rolled our suitcases up to the front door, and with every stride, the knots intensified and the little butterflies I had earlier were now like eagles, clawing at me. I rang the doorbell, my heart plummeting as I heard footsteps approaching.

Seconds later, the door flew open, revealing my mother. She grinned at me, practically yanking me inside and bombarding me with kisses. I hadn't seen my parents since Christmas, so it had been a while.

I returned the hug, laughing a little. Angel smiled warmly, resting his head against the doorframe.

"And who is this handsome young man?" She asked when she finally released me, turning to Angel with a sweet smile. Angel grinned at her, turning on the charm and revealing his dimples. I smiled at the sight.

"I'm Angel. It's really nice to meet you, Mrs. West. Thank you for having me." He held his hand out but my mom pulled him in for a hug instead, surprising him. He laughed and hugged her back, smiling at me over her shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you too, sweetheart. And please, call me Harper," my mom gushed. My dad appeared then, his loud voice booming throughout the house.

"Sage!" He projected with a smile. I almost flinched, but stopped myself quickly.

"Hi, Dad," I mumbled into his chest, as he was pressing me into it, squeezing the life out of me. When he let go, I motioned for Angel to come forward. "Dad, this is my— this is Angel," I fumbled over my words. Thankfully, my parents paid no mind, but Angel did, smiling at me as he widened his eyes subtly.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," he greeted, holding his hand out to my dad. He shook his hand, smiling.

"Call me Sam. Come in, come in." He moved out of the foyer and lead everyone to the living room. My dad clapped and rubbed his hands together, grinning. There was an awkward silence for a few moments, my dad just looking between Angel and I. Angel's eyes were screaming AWKWARD and I sent him an apologetic gaze.

"You guys probably want to have some time to check things out," my mom spoke up, giving me a knowing look. I smiled thankfully. "Your dad and I will get out of your hair. Show Angel the beach, Sagey," she finished, pulling on my dad's arm. He paused for a moment, like he was thinking.

"Before I forget; Angel, we're having the guest room renovated and there's fresh paint on the walls. We don't want you sleeping in there with all the fumes, plus there's plastic all over the place. Do you care to sleep in Sage's room, or do you want to take the couch?" I bit my cheek to refrain from laughing. Angel sent me a quick glance that said, Don't you dare, before he smiled at my father.

"I can sleep in Sage's room, it's no problem." My dad nodded before my mom was tugging on his arm again, trying to get him to leave with her. Once they were gone, I turned to Angel. He smiled at me, a flash of unease in his eyes.

"What is it?" He shrugged and I tilted my head to the side. "Tell me." He sighed, looking away for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"It's just weird having to stand a few feet away from you... not being able to touch you. I know why I can't, it's just... it's taking me a minute to adjust," he admitted. My eyes softened.

"Me, too." He nodded softly and looked around the room.

"So... want to give me a tour of your abode?" I grinned and nodded, grabbing our bags and pulling them towards the stairs. "Hey, give it," Angel demanded.

"Angel, I can take—" He cut me off by removing the bag from my hand and carrying it up the stairs with ease, sashaying his hips as he did so. I laughed as he reached the top and faced me with a smirk.

"So can I." I rolled my eyes, bringing my bag up as well. Just as we were heading to my room, my mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Sage, your dad and I have a few errands to run; we'll be out for a while. You guys going to be okay?" I take care of myself everyday. I sighed softly.

"Yes, Mom, we'll be fine. We're just going to get settled in. Where are you guys going?"

"We'll be about an hour away — your dad has a little city he wanted to show me." Her voice grew closer and closer until she appeared at the bottom of the steps.

"Okay, just call me when you get there and when you're on your way back, I guess." She nodded, smiling at Angel and I.

"Will do. I'll see you boys later tonight." Angel and I called a goodbye and stood in the hallway until the front door shut. I peered out of the hall window, where there was a perfect view of the driveway. I watched as my parents pulled out until they were out of eyesight, turning to Angel.

When we reached my room he smiled, looking around.

"I like it. Very teenage Sage." I chuckled softly. There were still black sheets on the bed, still movies filling up the shelves, still books in the nightstand. The only thing that looked to be changed was the dresser; it'd been cleared out. I sighed softly. "You okay?" I nodded.

"Just sad."

"Why are you sad?" I shook my head softly.

"What if this is the last time I get to see this room? This house?" Angel moved closer to me, cupping my cheek. I stared into his soft eyes and he pulled me into his lips, kissing me not once, not twice, but three times before wrapping me in his arms.

"I love you. And everything will be okay. No matter what happens." I buried my face in his shoulder, sighing softly.

No matter what happens.

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