Chapter One

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My eyes wandered over to the pink headed girl sitting on my bed. She was curled up whilst reading a book on gardening. 'Care For Your Plants', it was called. I wondered if she wanted to start her own garden one day. Seeing as though we both still lived with our parents, her making a garden would be very difficult, so I see why she couldn't have made one now.

Me and Luna had been best friends since 8th grade. This year was our last year of high school and we were now planning to find a college to go to. It was only natural that we both went to the same college. Currently, we had decided on Arizona State College. She could research her plants there, and I could pursue my dream of football.

I sighed and shifted on the uncomfortable floor. I let my head fall back, and continued to stare at her. Her long, curly, pink hair was sprawled out all over my pillow. I had no idea what her problem was with the color pink. I missed her auburn colored hair.

"Stop staring at me, Liam." She says not looking up from her book. I smirk at her.

"As if I would want to stare at you." I retort. She snickers and murmurs something under her breath. She lowers the book low enough to where her eyes showed and stares menacingly at me. Her big brown eyes lowered to slits, the way they did whenever I bugged her. I sighed and faced the tv screen.

I heard her chuckle quietly in triumph.

I stood up and stretched before sitting down on my bed. Luna sets her book down and grabs her phone off my nightstand. Just as soon as she had turned it on, she turned it off. She flew off the bed, startling me so bad that I stood up myself. She grabbed her coat, her phone, her scarf, and then slipped on her shoes.

"What?! What?!" I question panicked and unaware.

"It's late! It's late! Why do you always let me stay so late?!" I scratched my head in confusion.

"You don't have to make such a big deal,  Luna. I'll drive you home." I say grabbing my keys. She spins around, her giant coat blowing air around my room, and making papers fall off my shelf.

"No! You don't have to waste gas on me. I can walk, it's not that far." I give her a concerned look.

"It's snowing outside, Lu. You can't go out there it's too cold." I say, watching as she threw her scarf around her neck. She shrugs.

"It's fine. I'll be fine. I don't have time to argue with you. Goodbye, Liam." she says hastily. I grab her hand before she can walk out the door. A slight blush creeps over her face.

"Why are you touching me, you weirdo?" she asks. I grab my black beanie off my dresser and put it on her head. She moves her hair out of her face and smiles wryly.

"It's cold. Wear this." I say. She nods and gives me a swift hug before leaving. I listen to my mother exchange goodbyes with her, before I hear the front door slam. I sighed and sat down at my desk. I grabbed a piece of paper out of my printer, and a led pencil out of my nightstand drawer.

My hands immediately began to sketch. Whenever I drew, I never had an idea. I was never able to draw out of my mind. If I did have an idea, it would eventually form into something else. My mother's voice pulled me out of my drawing. She sounded so distant. She was yelling.

I dropped my pencil and hurried out of the room. I ignored the pictures of my father on the wall and turned into the living room.

"Mum, what's the matter?" I question. She pointed to the tv as she spoke.

"Lu's out there! A storm is about to hit, you should have driven her!" She exclaims. I gaze at the tv. My mother had the news channel on. The weather reporter was describing an extreme snow storm. My eyes widened in shock, and I was outside in my 1963 Chevy StepSide C10 pickup in less than a second. At least that's what it felt like.

That weather report was far too accurate. The snow was already piling up in bundles. It was hard enough to even get to my car. Where was she? I started my truck up, the engine rattling and clicking like it usually did. I backed out of the snowed-in driveway and sped off down the road.

The ground was basically sleet, causing my truck to slide and swerve. I almost didn't even spot her. She was covered in snow and was struggling to walk. I pulled up to the curb and honked the horn. She turned slowly, her eyes widening once she spotted me. She began to run through the snow. As I began to open the passenger door, I heard a loud thud even through the loud snow storm. I turned back to find that she had fallen.

I rushed out of the car to assist her. I got her into the car and waited for the heater to turn on before beginning to drive. She scooted over closer to me and pulled out her phone.

"H-how did you know where I was?" She stutters. I put my arm around her in an attempt to warm her. She buried her head into my shoulder and sighed.

"Nevermind. I don't care. Just take me home please."

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