yYes I am a teen

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Angela's pov

Ok since I am half American and half Asian, I'm sorry but I have to admit it but I look good.

Well I'm 5ft9 with long legs ,black wavy natural hair. Sea blue eyes a charming smile a perfect noise and beautiful skin . I am easily one of the prettiest girls in AFA(apple foundation academy).

Not to talk of my body I have big breast a small waist and voluptuous curves. I'm more on the big side I'm not skinny at all.

I'm very clever and I am in AFA on a scholarship AFA being one of the best school in California is awesome. If not for the scholarship awarded to me I would never be here because the school fees was way to expensive for my mum to afford.

I know you are probably thinking my parents are poor but sorry to burst your bubble they aren't, after my dad passed away 6 years ago my mum and I have been surviving on the remnants of his pension. The year that he passed away was the hardest for my mum and I because she didn't have a job but since she got a new job as a banker life's been going smooth ever since.

I still miss dad a lot, his death was a horrible ,one he died of brain cancer. When he was first diagnosed the doctors new he wouldn't survive it.Dad first lost his memory and he couldn't even remember me his only daughter that was really painful. Afterwards he couldn't speak and fell into a coma and died from there.

Mum still thinks about him often and sits down on his favorite chair outside and murmurs as if talking to him.

I try to hook my mum up with other guys cause she is still young like thirty seven but she refuses to see anyone insisting that she still loves Dad and that dating other men would be like betraying him . Like HELLO HE IS DEAD MOVE ON.

I love my mum very much she is always there for me but one thing she doesn't tolerate is boys she says they are just there to ruin your future and love can not be found at my age because my heart was un ripe.

I disagreed with her theory until I caught my boyfriend Mathew making out with sarah one of my close friends I was so pissed I dumped him and up till now I have never said a word to sarah since then .

Yes now I agree with my mum and now I'm single I like to have a little fun from time to time but that doesn't change my status

A little insight to who Angela really is,a little history about her and her family hope u enjoyed it .Vote.Comment on any suggestions u have any errors basically you're feedback thank you.:)

He spoilt my lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon