Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

The next morning, Sophie woke up, showered, and got dressed. She put on a pair of light coloured jeans and a dark blue v-neck shirt. She blow dried her curly brown hair and didn't bother to put on make up, she didn't like it and she didn't even wear any last night. Right at eight o'clock, Sophie heard a knock on her door and she smiled a little, excited to see Ed.

She pulled the hotel door open and there he stood in a red zip up hoodie. He looked just like any other normal person. “Ready to go get some food?”

“Yes, I'm starving,” she grinned. He returned it and they walked down the hallway to the elevator together.

“Where do you want to go to breakfast?”

“Somewhere with real food. Pancakes...waffles...mmm bacon,” he smirked at her and agreed. Real food sounded great.

“I there a um...Waffle House down the street,” he suggested.

“Perfect!” she exclaimed.

The got off the elevator on the first floor and waked down the street together until they made it to the Waffle House. They weren't in the middle of New York City, they were on the outskirts, where the buildings were much less tall and Sophie found that she felt much less trapped.

It was much chillier than Sophie had anticipated and she shivered a bit right before they walked into the restaurant, once inside though, she was a bit warmer.

The meal was a nice way for the two of them to get to know each other better. Without saying it, they both felt incredibly comfortable with each other, they felt like they could be honest with the other, even though they had just met.

Once they had finished their meal, the waitress came over and asked if they were on one check or two.

“Just one,” Ed replied.

“You don't have to,” Sophie said as soon as the waitress walked away. “I can pay for my own meal.”

“I know, I want to though,” he replied with a shrug. Sophie didn't protest further and let him pay.

They walked back out of the restaurant and Sophie immediately shivered, it had gotten much colder since they had been in there. Without her even mentioning being cold, Ed slipped his hoodie off and held it out to her to put on, as if it were the most natural thing ever. She looked at him for a moment as if to ask 'are you sure?'

“I don't want you to freeze,” he replied and she gave in, slipping her arms in the arm holes. He threw an arm over her shoulder and pulled her to his side without hesitation. She would not dare protest, she smiled softly and wrapped her arm around his back, keeping him close. “I know lots of people 'ave been askin' ya to open for them,” he started as they walked down the pavement together. “I hate to be askin' the same question but...”

“You want me to open for you?”

“Your voice is somethin' special, Soph. And I'd love to have you around.”

“You, Ed Sheeran, my favourite artist―by far―wants me to open for him?”

“Please,” he chuckled a little.

“How am I even supposed to respond to that? I can't think of anything except for hell yes!” Her arm tightened around him and she grinned hugely.

“Awesome,” he was ecstatic, Sophie would travelling with him.

“When do I start?”

“We don't start until January, actually,” it was early November.

“Oh wow,” she was a little disappointed that it wasn't sooner.

“Until then though, we should probably get you started on an album, don't you think?”

“Probably,” she laughed a little.

AN: Sorry for the super short chapter, this one probably should have been with chapter one...sorry. I'll get another out soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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