"M-Matthieu. I want you to listen to me very closely, Qui?" Matthew slowly nodded, unsure of what his father was going to say. Was he in trouble? Did he do something wrong?

"You have done nothing wrong my son. But-but you must go for a while, OK? I have some very important things to do, so Angelterre will look after you for a while, alright? France said in french, leaving the other child in the room very confused and left out.

"Papa, when will you return? And who is 'Angelterre?'" Canada asked, never having met anyone by that name.

"...He is a f-friend of mine. He will take good care of you while I am away, Qui?" France said, reassuring the young child. He was barley holding back the tears. His vision was starting to get blurry, and he was sure that the next time he spoke, his words would start to break up and he would cry.

"...Alright Papa... I-I'll go...." Canada reluctantly agreed, not too happy about leaving his father in such a way. The young child stood up, walking to the other room with France to meet with England. 'il paiera...' France thought furiously.

When the two reached the other room, England pleasantly smiled as he bent down to greet the young boy. "Hello there, I'm England. How do you do?" England said, extending his hand for a handshake. France stood beside them, his knuckles white as he clenched them, almost to the point of cutting off his circulation. 'Bastard...' he kept repeating in his head. 'He will suffer for this..." He vowed.

"I-I'm French-Canada..." The boy shyly said, shaking the Englishman's hand nervously. To be completely honest, Canada was very much wary of this man. He had never really met anyone else in Europe before, so seeing this man from across the aisles was a bit nerve-wracking.

"No need to be nervous son. France and I are good friends. But right now he has very important business to take care of, so I will look after you while he is away. We'll have lots of fun..."

Canada stilled for a moment before calming down. He was slightly suspicious; this strange man saying that he was France's friend, him going away for a while. 'Maybe he is nice...?' Canada asked himself. This man was very polite...

"A-alright, that sounds nice." Canada turned to France, the question he asked would haunt the older nation for the rest of his days.

"Papa? When will you come back?" Canada asked, innocently enough.

'Damn this bastard' France thought. This was going to be his greatest mistake, and he could do nothing to fix it. France leaned down and put a hand on his son's shoulder reassuringly.

"Soon Matthieu, very, very soon. It's only for a little while." He could barely get the words out of his mouth without sobbing on the spot.

Matthew smiled a bit, he thought he would only be with this man for a few days at the most. Not too bad right? "OK, Papa. I love you." Canada said, before hugging his father.

The minute small arms wrapped around him, France shead a tear and hugged his child tightly, never wanting to let go. England watched the two, nonchalantly, wanting to leave before the kid caught on to what was really going on.

"I-I love you too Matthieu. Je t'aime." France said before finally letting the boy go. He watched as Canada took England's hand and walked out the door along with America. The dam behind  his eyes finally broke once they were gone.


It had been more than a decade since France had lost his son to that bastard. A decade since he had seen his pride and joy. He wondered how the boy felt when he finally realized that his father was not coming back. That he had signed him away in a treaty that he could not go against at the time, lest he wanted to wage war with the previously stronger empire.

Hard knocks were suddenly pounded into the door of France's office, startling the empire and disrupting him from his thoughts. His eyes narrowed as he leaned forward in his chair, slightly confused. Who could be knocking at this hour? He got up to open the door. When he finally answered it, the sight shocked him.

America stood on the other side of the door, crying. She had dried blood all over her and tears freely flowed down her face. Wait, wait. What the hell was she doing here? Why didn't she go to that bastard?

"France..." The young teenager squeaked. "I-I need your help." She sniffled, barely able to form the words.

The empire knelt down, confused. "What has happened, little one? Who has done this to you?" France asked, reaching out to put a hand on the younger's shoulder.

"England..." She spat out his name like venom.  "I'm done with him!!" She roared. "I'm done being his 'Little colony.' He's abusing my people! He taxed us relentlessly, on everything. He even had the nerve to shoot unarmed protesters in Boston!" America ranted, slightly startling the older nation. When the younger had seemed to finally calm down, France asked a question that burned in the back of his mind ever since she had pounded on his door.

"And what exactly do you wish for me to do?"

America slowly turned to the elder, a long piece of paper in her hands. A lengthy essay with scribbles and "X's" in black ink marked the paper. France read the words "Declaration of Independence" at the heading. No sooner did he read the heading of this draft did a wicked grin spread across his features.

"I want...you to help me get my independence from the British Empire. I've been reading the history books lately, and it seems that he's wronged you many times. King Louis XVI has already agreed to help... but we need you too. I was hoping we could finally stand up to him together and give him the justice he deserves for treating us the way he did. So, would you like to help me?" America asked.

France was more than ecstatic. No, not even ecstatic was the right word to describe his joy right now. Here was America, the daughter of the British Empire himself, begging for his help in her independence movement to become the United States of America. Oh...how good it would feel to make that bastard feel what he did the day his son was taken from him.

He smiled even wider (if that was even possible) and gave the aspiring nation his response, holding back as much of his glee as he possibly could. He would save his celebrations for after he and this girl had won.  He knelt down to her level and said:

"I would be honored to help you gain your independence, America."

This would be his revenge

This would be England's hell

This...would be the beginning of the end for the British Empire

And France would have the perfect view to watch it come tumbling down right before his eyes...


Hi everyone! Back again with a second chapter after finishing a crap-ton of HW.

SO, what do you guys think? I know this is slightly darker than what I usually write, but gotta make things interesting at some point, am I right? ;)

Edit: Thought I'd fix a few errors that I made while writing this. Also, I'm quite surprised! Over 100 people have read this!? Damn, that's awesome! XD

Also, If you guys have any suggestions as to who I should write about next, I'd be more than happy to hear any and all ideas! As of right now, I'm kinda stumped as to who I write about next and the massive amounts of HW that I have isn't exactly helping... so don't be afraid to give me a little inspiration! 

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