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You woke up next to larry, which wasn't unusual. but something felt... off. Like something bad was going to happen, like something was wrong. You looked at Larry's face. It looked like he had been crying, you gave him a kiss on the forehead and frowned slightly. You hadn't heard him crying last night. And he seemed fine when you two fell asleep.  You shook the thought out of your head and got up and stretched. You went and grabbed one of Larry's many oversized hoodies and some black leggings. You headed to the bathroom and put your (H/L) (H/C) hair in a ponytail. You brushed your teeth and heed out of the bathroom to the kitchen to get breakfast ready.

You made something simple, eggs, sausage, and loads of toast. You put them all in the oven on a low heat to keep them warm until everyone was up. You sat in front of the TV and turned it on.

"Our very own local mystery. In other news, Nockfell Mills was engulfed in flames this morning. Firefighters rushed to the scene this morning but by the time they eliminated the fire, a majority  of the building and materials had been damaged." You heard little foot steps walking up to you, in which you turned your head to see (D/N)'s brown hair, the news still playing, but slightly lagging.

"The factory -- has been a huge source of empl--oyment for our little town since 1934. Th--is is the third time the building has caugh--t fire. Though nev--er have we seen as much destru--ction as we ha--ve today." You sighed and turned off the TV, seeing as the News today didn't have any real appeal today, and the TV lags were quite annoying... Or at least you thought so. You picked up (D/N) and got her a plate of food. And then made yourself a plate. You sat at the table and put (D/N) on her chair with a little pad in it so she could actually see the table and eat by herself. You heard Larry Yawn from the other room and walk around for a bit before he got up and walked to the kitchen himself, he was dressed in his usual outfit,

"Morning Lar-Bear. How did you sleep?" You smiled at him. Not bringing up how tired and sad he looked.

"I slept OK, how about you, babe.?" He said while getting a plate of food himself.

"I slept okay, I heard Ashley is coming back for good today."  (D/N) eyes widened slightly,

"ASHWEE?" She screamed excitedly. You smiled and nodded, then looked back at larry.

"Yep, I heard. Too bad you and (D/N) will be out doing stuff with Neil tonight." Larry said while sitting down, mustering a slight sad smile. You facepalmed,

"Argh, I totally forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me. You'll be fine tonight, Right?" You said looking at larry, he nodded,

"Of course, (Y/N) I'll be fine. I always am, I promise."  He said. He didn't seem like he was hiding anything so you shook off the bad feeling you had.

You got up and did some stuff around the apartment, like packing. Since you were moving in with Todd, Neil, and Sal. Eventually larry went out to go see sal and go do guy things. Which left you and (D/N) at home alone for the moment.

"Mommy, when is Ashwee going to be hewe?" (D/N) said, while playing with her glitter ponies. Which larry hated with a passion, but since she liked them he had reluctantly got them for her one day.

"I don't know sweety, we'll see her tomorrow, I promise." You replied, sitting down in front of her, and starting to play with them with her. (D/N) nodded and continued to play with the ponies until larry got home. You ate lunch and dinner as a family, with no problem. But larry seemed anxious all day, but you figured he was fine and shrugged it off. The sun was starting to set when you buckled in (D/N) into her carseat. Neil, Yourself, and (D/N) were going to go to the mall and then get dessert. But larry wanted to stay home. The only time he had left the house recently though, was either to go see Sal, or to go to work. He he barely ever went out with you or (D/N). Which you didn't mind. You weren't going to force him to do anything. You walked back inside real quick and gave him a peck on the lips.

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