City Lights//Lee Know

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Summary: Y/n and Minho go for a small shopping trip at night, and Y/n slowly realizes that her feelings for her friend might be more than unrequited.

Type: Fluff, college au

Word Count: 1.3 K


No matter how many times she looked at it, the view of the city always wowed her. It just made her heart happy for some reason.

I rest my head on my arms as I gaze at the city, the cars on the highway, the people's lights in the apartment across the street, the flashing lights of the occasional airplane landing, the noise of people walking in the street below.

It didn't matter how bad my day was at college, or at work when I got to come home to witness this.

The city aura just didn't feel the same as any other place I'd ever been to, and I was super excited to be able to come here.

I wonder if the people around me right now are having the same feelings as me.

I feel like some character in a drama or something. However, the character in dramas usually like me in any way, nor does she have an empty fridge. Usually...

My phone dings with a message and I smile when I read it.

Minhoe: Yes, I'll come with you. GIve me five minutes.

You: Thxs! You're the best!

MInhoe: I know, don't state the obvious please.

You: If it's so obvious then why don't you have a girlfriend yet?

I wait for a response, but Minho just ignores me. Sighing I turn inside, grabbing my jacket and wallet.

Keeping an eye on the time, I leave my building to wait in the street.

Approximately seven minutes later, I see Minho walking up the street. "Minho!" I call out as I run eagerly up to him and wrap my arms around his waist, "So is your fridge completely empty that you asked me to go out this late to buy food?" Minho asks, sounding bored and a little cocky as he clears his throat.

I smile cheekily, "Do I need a reason to ask my best friend to go spend a night in the city with me?

Minho groans as we walk, "A night? Do you not have classes tomorrow?" He offers me a hand that I accept eagerly.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. Why would I have classes?"

Minho stops short, "It's Friday already?! Man, I have been busy..."

I chuckle, swinging his hand, "Geez, You're lucky to have someone like me in your life. Otherwise, you'd overwork yourself and die young." I tease and notice Minho's cheeks reddening slightly.

His fingers squeeze mine and I have to remind myself to breathe. He's your best friend, you've always done this, it doesn't mean anything.

Lately, I've been noticing little things about Minho. Things a friend shouldn't notice. Like the way Minho's eyes change when he's practicing a dance. Or the way his hand is perfectly holding mine. Or god, his lips.

I can't count the times he teased me for staring too long at his face.

Maybe I'm just imagining things, but Minho is just a tiny bit closer to me than usual.

But before I can die from an overimaginative mind, we're at an outdoor market and I notice my first love.


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