
The morning of my meeting has finally arrived and boy I could hardly sleep worrying about today. I stretch my body as I climb out of bed and drag my tired body to the shower. Once I'm finished I wrap my body in a towel and open my wardrobe and sigh "what the hell do you wear to a meeting with an Escort".

Going through all my clothes I sit on my bed with disgust that I can't find anything when my phone buzzes on the bedside table. I quickly grab it and open the message

Hi Park Chanyeol, its Byun Baekhyun, meet you at the little colourful cafe on riverside street at 1pm, you can't miss it.

I start to panic as my hands start to shake and I start to sweat "Oh shit" I quickly type back.

Ok I'll see you then

Ok I have 2 hours to find an outfit. I stand back up and start to pull all my clothes out throwing them on the bed as I go through them one at a time separating them into piles of maybe and no.

Finally after what feels like ages I decide to try to go smart but not too smart since it's a cafe we are meeting at. I pull on a pair of black jeans, white t-shirt and a dark blue/navy shirt open over it, with white runners as it's a warm day outside. I brush my hair, fix my glasses and grab my phone to leave.

Reaching the lobby of my apartment, I head outside and hail a taxi as we set off into the direction of the cafe.

Pulling up on the street I spot the cafe straight away. Baekhyun was right; you can't miss it with its crazy colours, all bright yellow and oranges with dashes of pink all over the building.

I pay the driver and climb out of the taxi nearly tripping over the sidewalk. I steady myself and take a deep breath as I'm greatful the driver stopped a few doors down from the cafe so I can calm myself.

Walking up to the cafe I look in through the window and see him already sitting at a table looking at his phone. My heart starts to do somersaults as I grab my chest and turn to walk away. "Shit I can't do this, what was I thinking".

"Leaving so soon?" I hear a voice making me turn around

"Oh.....hi ... I... I.. " I stutter before looking down at my feet feeling like I'm gonna pass out any second.

"You were gonna leave without saying hi?" He leans his head to the side giving me a smirk standing there in a pair of denim jeans and a white casual shirt turned up at the sleeves a little as he holds his phone and shades in one hand while running his fingers through his hair.

"I'm...Sorry it's just..."

"You're nervous, it's ok everyone gets like that on their first meeting" he smiles again at me while putting his sunglasses on making me feel embarrassed all of a sudden.

"Yeah maybe a little" I rub the back of my neck.

"Well are you gonna join me inside or will we get takeaway and go for a spin in my car" he points to a black Audi R8 making my jaw drop as I turn to see it.

"This is yours?" I stare in shock at the car as I walk closer to it admiring it as I run my hand along it looking at its curves and black tinted windows.

Hired (Chanbaek)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz