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I close my eyes and whisper my goodbyes.

I let my tears fall down.

I spread arms open and remember where you surround.

I sing my last words with the sound of the wind.

my heart is to broken to mend.

Im sorry but my life is at its end I look below and see  the gray waters.

I send a silent prayer but it wont matter.

i look up yo the sky.

It began to cry

Its tears of lies

I smiled and i took a step foward.

Im sorry I've been such a coward.

Its my time to go.

This world has nothing to show.

My hair moves with excitment as the  wind began to blow.

I  looked back.

I wish they was some way.

For me to stay .

But all the eyes I see are black.

I felt the breeze af the water calling my name.

Im sorry i put you to shame.

But its only me to blame.

My feet feel like feathers on the ground.

My soul is lost but never found.

They tell me to dropdead

Or to kil myself instead

I give up

I cry as i say goodbye.

I loved you but you hated me

so its my turn to sing

the sunsets as i reach the edge

my tears fall as i reach the unforgiving ledge..

Death calls to me

I left him long ago

But I call to him once more

Should I choose to stay

Or go away

I step foward and my last words are

"Im sorry"

And i realized, that for the last time

Im Falling...

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