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Jisung sits next to Felix and puts a hand on his shoulder. Felix shrugs his hand off and stand up, "I'll get him to join us". He walks out of the room and doesn't let Jeongin or Jisung say anything to him.

Felix finds Changbin putting his shoes on at the front door. "Listen to me" Felix says, getting his attention "I don't care if you hate me now after all that happened. We need to stay together and try to get back at them". Changbin stops and sighs, "We cant. We all will fucking die. It's better just to get out of town". "We cant"Felix says.

Changbin walks closer to Felix, "the king killed my family. Hyungjin killed yours. Hyungjin messed with us and caused you to hate me. No matter the powers we DO have it's not enough". Felix is at a Los of words. A silence forms between them. Felix finally realizes what he wants to say, "So we dont want to try to avange for the people they killed. For the people that ment the most to us".

Changbin doesn't bat an eye, "you where the only person who ment the most to me. And he made you hate me. No matter all that happened, that hurt me the most. At that point I asked, "what's the point anymore? And truth is, there is none". He turns around and leaves the house without another word.

Felix is left standing there in shock. He soon here's Jeongin and hiding join him downstairs. "Its just the three of us now" he says. They stay silent, not sure what to say. Felix puts on his shoes then looks back at his friends again, "well, let's go".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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