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Hey, my name is Melody and trust me I am far from being melodic.

I go to college and study to be a lawyer and whatever but that's not important.

What is important is that I live in a pretty, large house with at 5 other people.

Angel, Daemon, Shannon, Rubel and Frank.

Angel is obviously the sweetheart of the world and the nicest person you could ever meet (too sweet).

Daemon is our prankster and does everything he can to try and get under Angel's (and my) skin even though it fails (and pisses me off).

Shannon doesn't say much but she does follow me around like a lost puppy sometimes (it's like having a pet... except it questions your way of living.)

Rubel is a man-hoe. (No other explanation needed. This is all the info you need.) 

Frank....... he's just lazy... I think anyway... (No one knows too much about him anymore).

And there is me. I'm not kind nor mean but I am blunt.

We are all college students who agreed to live in this huge ass house and have been friends (Angel's words not mine) since preschool.

You may think we are probably one cool ass clique or something.

I say we tolerate each enough to live in this house till we leave.

Until then... we have a long way to go... 4-8 years to go, I should say.

Well why you're here you might as get yourself a snack or something because this is going to be a long ass roller-coaster ride.

Coming Soon 

Translation: Whenever I feel like it lol

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