Chapter 24 - Betrayal

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To my surprise, Pan held on to my wrist for quite some time as we wove through the forest. Only when I sensed we were nearing a clearing did he release my arm, but his long strides demanded that I trot to keep up.

We broke through some brush and onto a spectacular sight. There was a massive tree at the center of a large clearing. This must be Legend. It was far bigger and more breathtaking than I could have imagined.

The coverage of its dense, twisting branches spanned over a fifteen-foot radius from its enormous trunk. Large roots as big as some of the branches, burst through the soil around the base of the tree, creating a complex web in the earth. It was truly a sight to behold.

As I was gawking at the tree before me, I didn't notice where Pan had gone. I looked around and found him emerge from behind the tree, carrying what looked to be weapons. He tossed a knife at me and I hastily sidestepped the twirling blade and tensed as it thudded to the ground a few feet away.

"It's obvious you need to learn to defend yourself." Pan almost chuckled.

I walked over and picked up the knife, brushing the dirt off the blade. I blushed, realizing I was meant to catch it.

Pan turned and walked a ways from the tree, and disappeared into the brush. I followed, and came upon a winding trail, only visible when one was upon it. Moments later we were at another clearing, but this one was filled with crudely built targets propped against the far tree line. Patches of grass had been trampled around the area, I assumed from sparring and other activities.

"Well?" Pan raised an eyebrow and gestured at the targets.

I looked at him tentatively.

"Show me what you've got, Lost Girl." Pan prodded, watching me with an intrusive gaze.

I looked down at the blade in my hands. It had to be harder than it looked in the movies. I stepped up to the target, just ten feet away and threw the knife. I cringed as a loud metallic crash rang out through the afternoon air as the knife slapped sideways into the tree below the target and thudded to the ground. I looked back at Pan.

"Try again." He said, a ghost of a smile on his lips, amusement playing constantly in his forest green iris's.

I plodded over to the target and scooped up the knife, stepping back to my original position. I glanced at Pan. He just crossed his arms and watched me intently, a smirk threatening to smudge across his features.

I took a deep breath and threw the knife with similar results as the previous toss.

"Again." Came Pan's even tone.

After watching my pathetic attempts for a solid minute or two, he decided to intervene. I stood before the target and felt his presence loom behind me. His hand wrapped around mine, fingers gently adjusting my grip on the knife's handle.

I had to concentrate on breathing, his closeness making me fidget nervously.

"You're too tense. Relax." He whispered into my ear, causing me to do anything but, as my heart started to pick up speed.

"Breathe in..." he lifted my arm up, "and exhale as you throw." He brought my arm down in a swift movement, and I released the blade. It flew through the air, burying itself deep within the center of the target.

I released a breath, a thrill leaped through my core. Was this really happening? Was Pan actually holding my arm and teaching me to throw? This is unreal.

Pan produced another knife and placed it into my hand, adjusting it in my fingers.

"Go ahead." He stepped back, his body heat leaving mine causing me to crave his presence like a drug.

Neverland - Peter Pan - OUAT FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα