Imagine #19: Jack Johnson

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In about April, Jack Johnson followed you during a follow spree, he later on dm'ed you saying he liked your icon, which was a selfie of you. You've always felt insecure about yourself, especially your smile. No one has ever complimented you on your looks, especially your smile. Throughout all of elementary you've been bullied for your teeth because they were all crooked and you had a couple gaps, so in 6th grade you decided to get braces, in middle school they called you "metal mouth", "train tracks" and many other offensive terms that basically everyone with braces has been called. You were now a high school senior, in your freshman and sophomore you've been a really lonely person, you never made friends, and never cared about interacting with others, but in your junior year you found this app called vine and you downloaded it and Jack and Jack just happened to be the first people you followed, you immediately fell in love with Johnson. Since then you decided to also join Twitter and that's where you made all your friends, you now have around 15k followers (which does include 12/12) and a real life friend at school, you guys met on Twitter and later found out you went the same school...

So let's skip your life story, let's go on about how you caught Johnson's attention.

Jack tweeted about a follow spree and you immediately knew what to do. At that point you had 11/12, just missing him. You tweeted "I really need @JackJackJohnson to follow me so I can have 12/12 !!" and that was it, the tweet that started it all, "(@your username) all you need is my follow girl, that's all you need!!" he tweeted, but he didn't follow yet. You were completely confused but at least he tweeted you right? Maybe about 10 minutes passed, he dm'ed you, "Nice icon, maybe it's worth my follow" you obviously couldn't dm back, you knew he was teasing you. You tweeted him "@JackJackJohnson QUIT TEASING AND JUST FOLLOW ME ALREADY !!" he fav'ed your tweet. You tried to dm him and it went through, you quickly went to his profile and saw "follows you" right next to his name. You dm'ed him again, "OMFHD IT WENY THRU" "JACK IT SNET" "MY DMS ARE SNEFINF OMFHHDBS" "JACK IS YJSI A DREMA" "ARE U KIDDINF ME". He replied "THIS IS REAL LIFE BABE" "I JUST FOLLOWED YOU OMDHSHSJ". You freaked! You guys kept on dm'ing each other, you were completely shocked because he actually kept replying. You guys dm'ed for a couple weeks until he finally asked for your number... then you woke up and realized that you're crazy as fuck for dreaming shit like this bruh. Ok peace.

Hey! I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated in so long I haven't had any good ideas lately until now lmao but yes I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine bc I sure did :-)

don't forget to follow me on Twitter if you don't already! @escuinciababosa

I'll try to update more often!!

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