Benjamin Tallmadge

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You sighed as you took down the laundry. You felt the cold wind nip at your face so you picked up the pace, when you saw something move from the corner of your eye. You turned towards the edge of the woods and saw nothing. "Calm down, (Y/N)." You said before throwing the last bit of laundry into your basket. You turned to go toward the house, when you saw movement through the trees. You saw a number of small boats break through the thick fog and make their way to the cove that was behind your house. You were terrified at first but the minute you saw a flash of blue and gold, you ran and put your laundry on your porch before lifting your skirts and running as fast as you could to the cove. "Damn these skirts." You mumbled as you tried to run faster but the weight of your dress denied you. You finally made it to the cove and watched as three boats landed and began to disembark. You looked around the group for a familiar face; "Three out of seven. Not bad." You looked around for the voice and spotted not one, but two familiar faces. You rushed down the hill. A number of soldiers saw you and raised their weapons. "Ben!" You called out and he turned, his eyes going wide. "Hold your Fire! Don't shoot!" He yelled and you threw yourself into his arms. "(Y/N)? What are you doing?" You pulled back and brushed some hair away from your face. "I saw your boats make their way here, so I came to see you. What are you doing here?" He shifted his helmet and you looked over his shoulder at Caleb Brewster behind him. That's when it hit you. "You didn't." You looked back at him, eyes wide. "Are you both out of your minds!" "(Y/N), we had to come. We can't let our family be hanged." You placed a hand on your abdomen and tried to breathe. "Benjamin Tallmadge, never in my life did I think you were capable of doing something this stupid." "Actually (Y/N/N), it was both of our ideas." Caleb said and you rolled your eyes. "Even better." You said. "(Y/N), please. We couldn't just let them die. You of all people should understand." You sighed and pulled your cloak closer. "Please tell me  you at least have a plan." "Well..." You looked over his shoulder and saw Caleb fiddling with something. "Oh this is bad." You were about to continue when you saw someone you never thought you'd see again. "Selah?" You whispered. He gave you a smile. "Hello, (Y/N)." You couldn't believe it. You were told he was dead. "But Anna... She said you were dead." You looked over at Ben, who placed a hand on your cheek. "I know I have some explaining to do, but we really need to get into town." You looked at him and sighed. "Alright. Here's what we do."
You watched on as Ben and Caleb put your plan in motion. You were herded into a group along with everyone else, and ended up bumping into Abraham. He gave you a look and you shook your head. You watched as some tried to fight back only to fail, Anna reconnected with her husband, and you were shuffled into the tavern. You took a seat on the other side of Mary, and tried to help her calm Thomas down. Everything happened in a blur: Abe wouldn't shut up, Thomas kept crying, and eventually Abe got taken away by Ben and Caleb, with Anna going along to open the cellar. "Mary, it'll be okay." She gave you a tearful look and you patted her shoulder. When they came back, Abe was given a white flag and marched out of the building along with Ben, Caleb, Selah, and a few more soldiers. You were beyond nervous. It felt like hours had passed since they had left. "I'm sure they're okay." Anna whispered to you as she grabbed your hand. The door opened and you sighed in relief as everyone came in. "Let's go, before reinforcements come." Ben looked around and made eye contact with you. "We're taking her. For leverage." You tried to fight back and heard Mary yelling after you. Once in the woods, Ben let you go. You rushed to the boats and everyone started piling in. "(Y/N), come with me." You shook your head. "Ben, as much as I would love to, I can't. The cause!" "(Y/N), i don't have much time. Please, come with me. I can protect you better and we can be happy." You chewed your lip and heard a horse whinnies in the distance. "Alright." Ben smiled and kissed you. "Let's Go." He got into the boat and helped you get in. "When they come, look distraught." He whispered in your ear. You saw a flash of red in the woods; you looked as distraught as possible. More redcoats showed up and you saw Abraham rush forward. They shot at you and you ducked; "I can't." Anna said before standing. "Anna, no!" You yelled as she jumped off the boat and started to swim to shore. "Get her!" Major Hewlett yelled and two men followed by Abraham rushed in to get her. You turned to Selah and the look on his face was heartbreaking. "I'm so sorry, Selah." He said nothing as you continued to row away. Ben grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on the top. "She'll be alright. What matters is you're safe now." You watched as your life in Setauket faded behind the fog and you sighed.

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