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Jennie's P. O. V

when Lisa and Chaeng got home i prepare taemin's milk cause i don't let him drink different liquor and I saw how happy he was today

"Min? What did you do today?"I asked

"As usual mom we bought a cards of yours and bts"he said

"bts?"I asked

"YES like uncle namjoon, uncle hobi, uncle chimin, uncle suga and uncle jin and uncle jk"he said

"who else?"I asked

"Taemin is home??"Jisoo interrupted taemin ran to her and hugged her

"miss me? Min?"Jisoo

"mommy jichu i had a lot of fun today, mommy rosé and lisa bought me some stuffs"he explained with gladness

"come back here taemin you have to drink your milk"i said

"seems like my taemin really enjoyed the park"Jisoo

"mom? When can we hang out together?"He asked

"soon taemin"i said and hand him his milk

"You always says soon, and i think that soon means no"he said and ran in rosé's room

"min!"I called him

"no, jen let him be"Jisoo eonnie

"why can't he understand this situation"i said

"jen i think you should give him a time being With you"Jisoo

"For what? People will just make a fuss about us"i said

"and as for what I can see taemin is getting closer with rosé and lisa and not with you if you stay being strict with taemin I'm sure you'll regret that"Jisoo stated with a warn on her voice

"And what if v was there outside and saw taemin and I'm sure he'll take min away from us, that is what I'm scared of "i said

"jen? He's gone few years ago so leave him behind if it is all about V"Jisoo

"i have left Taehyung already"i said

"If that so then let taemin live normally like no one is bugging you cause seriously jen nothing will happen if you try"Jisoo said and lisa came handling his clothes

"Give me that I'll be doing the laundry"I said and she did what I said

"why did taemin cry?"She asked


"And what are you two talking about?"Lisa

"a trip"i said

"REALLY!!!! So when!!!" Lisa screamed

"Maybe on Sunday cause i have my schedule tomorrow"Jisoo

"lisa? Bring taemin at our room I'll be talking to him"i said and lisa nodded Leaving The kitchen i left his clothes first and walk through the room when i opened the door i saw taemin sobbing silently at the bed i sat beside him and pat his back carefully

"Min? Mom want to say sorry for not spending time with you, and I also want to apologize for being strict"i said as i was wiping his tears

"i wanna apologize too mom for being an inconsiderate son"he said and hugged me

"no taemin you were such a good son so don't call yourself an inconsiderate one"i said

"i love you mom"taemin

"mom love you too"i said

"should we go to the mall tomorrow?"I said smiling he lift head and smile

"can we?"He asked smiling

"YES WE CAN"i emphasized

"mom? you're the best"he said and ran outside

"mommy jichu!! Mom and I will be going to the mall tomorrow!!"He shouts while running through Jisoo eonnie i walk at the wash room to do the laundry i scanned min's clothes if he left something in here and he does

"Taemin get your things here!!"I said i look at the photo that was on his pants and to my surprise I saw Taehyung's Photo

"Min? Where did you get this"i asked him

"mom? Didn't I told you that I bought Bts' cards?"He said


"I even meet....."he said and got interrupted

"min? Where's my phone?"Rosé asked

"i left it at the table, let me get it"he said and walked out

"Chaeng?? Why did you let taemin buy their cards??"I asked

"i don't even know that he bought Bts cards"rosé

"did you tell him that he was his dad?"I asked

"no of course"she said

"don't let taemin mention bts okay?"I said and she nodded

"mommy pasta? Here is your phone"taemin

"Thanks min, come Let's play?"Chaeng said and leave

"jennie!!? Someone is on the door calling you"Jisoo said

"Who?"I asked

"don't know, give me that I'll be doing the laundry, enjoy"she said i walk at the door and opened it

"Hi?"He said with a girl ........

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