The two of you reach your next destination, a cafe just down the street from the cinema. You sit down and both order drinks then you continue on your little rant about the movie.

As you are chatting to Law about the movie and life and other things some familiar orange hair catches your eye from out the cafe window. You remember your not so good lie earlier and put your head down, hiding your face with your hand.

"What are you doing?" Law asks.

"Nami is out there." You whisper.

"Isn't She your friend?"


"People don't usually hide from their friends."

"Well those people aren't friends with Nami."

Law narrows his eyes at you.

"You haven't told her that we're dating." He crosses his arms and leans back in his seat.

"Maybe." You reply sheepishly.

He checks through the window behind him where Nami, Vivi and Robin have stopped outside the cafe to look around. They haven't noticed you yet but they could easily spot you from where they are.

"Please keep going, please keep going." You pray quietly.

"Why don't we call them in here, have a little chat?" Law smirks down at you, mischief in his eyes.

"Don't you dare."

He turns to face them again.

"Law they'll see you!"

"That's the idea."

Robin sees him first and then looks down to see you. He waves casually at her as she assesses the situation. Her eyes brighten when she figures out what is going on and she tries to hide her smile.

"Law!" You grab his hand back and pin it to the table. You glance back up to see Vivi and Nami still haven't noticed you.

He raises his other hand to try and get their attention and you reach out to try grab it. He dodges out of the way and you end up leaning right over the table to try and pin him down.

You glance out of the window again to see Nami staring right at you. You freeze where you are and quickly smile at her. She glares at you.

"Why are you like this?" You whisper to Law before sitting back down, resigned to your fate.

Her orange hair flows out behind her as she rushes into the cafe, Vivi and Robin following her, and straight towards your table.

"'I'm too busy to see you all' you said 'I'm going to go see my grandparents' you said" she repeats your excuse from earlier. "And here we find you chilling with some guy."

"I'm not just 'some guy'" Law mumbles.

"Well apparently you're more important to (Y/N) than her best friends." Nami snaps.

"To be fair we had this planned before you came up with your plan." He replies, somehow managing to keep his cool with an angry redhead glaring down at him.

"What makes your plans with him more important than hanging out with us?" Nami turns the conversation back to you.

"He's my boyfriend." You murmur.

Nami freezes in surprise. She glances back at Law, who smirks, then back to you.

"So you've had a boyfriend since who knows when and just didn't tell me." She accuses. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Robin knows." You sink into your chair.

"She didn't tell me, I figured it out." Robin chimes in.

Nami takes a deep breath.

"(Y/N)" she begins. "Think of all the talks about boys we need to have and that you have missed out on. Date etiquette, clothing, how much makeup to put on, the dangers of manipulation, speed and don't forget the talk. We need to get you caught up on all of these." She sits down right beside you and pulls out her phone. "We have to do this as soon as possible. I'm not free tomorrow but Friday to next Tuesday is clear..."


"And that is why I was putting off telling Nami about us." You conclude as you walk home with Law.

Eventually you had both managed to escape thanks to a distraction from Vivi.

"Well now it's done and it never has to be done again." Law replies.

"Just because it's over and done with doesn't mean that I'm letting you off the hook. I still have to do those talks with Nami after all. It's going to be so embarrassing." You feel your face heat up thinking about what she might try to talk about. "So you're in trouble."

"Maybe you're the one that's in trouble with me." Law says.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"This is the second person who is really close to you that didn't know we are dating."

"Oh." The realisation of what you have done hits you. You had only been thinking about yourself when you had tried to hide your boyfriend from your mum and Nami. You hadn't even thought about how Law would feel about it.

"I'm okay with having a private relationship but there needs to be a good reason. And with your dad all locked up I can't see one." He's not angry with you but he is visibly upset.

The guilt of your unintentional harm to Law consumes you for a moment and you grab his hand.

"I'm sorry. I didn't consider what that would be like for you. I have never dated anyone before and I just didn't think."

He squeezes your hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry too much about it., just try to stay aware of it I'm sure it will be covered in Nami's talk anyway."

You laugh and lean into his side.

"I promise I won't hide you from anyone anymore." 

My Reality (Trafalgar Law X Reader) | One PieceWhere stories live. Discover now