Jaehyun's pupils trained on the unnamed one for a little longer although, watching as the small boy swiftly sat down at the last open and unoccupied table. Jaehyun wasn't aware of his obvious staring until the unfamilar, dark doe eyes of the boy's met his. Jaehyun's heart thumped heavily in his chest, and he gazed away from the stranger. His ears must've, he thought, gone completely red from humiliation.

Doyoung sat besides Jaehyun, a evident frown drawn on his face. He rested his elbow on the wooden table and his cheek in his hand, murmuring incoherent words underneath his breath. Jaehyun decided it was best not to ask. Doyoung must've noticed the confusion washed upon Jaehyun's features though, and said, "Sorry about that."

Jaehyun chewed on his chapped lip, eyebrows raising in a questioning manner. "About what?" he asked, voice faltering near the end.

Doyoung shot the other boy from across the room a glare, who was bluntly ignoring the male, and turned to flip a few pages of his sketchbook. "For—uh," he drew out the 'uh' as he quickly skimmed through the pages of the sketchbook, flashes of drawings contorting into gray and black blurs until his thumb stopped on a page. "For the hermit," he finally responded, gazing at the drawing of a reflective vase of flowers on the page in distaste.

Jaehyun didn't dare to even take a glimpse at the supposed 'hermit' again, tapping his pencil on the table with light flicks of his wrist. "Why? What happened?" The nickname was somehow so random and ridiculous that he had to force himself to hold in his laughter; good thing he was a great actor.

Doyoung's demeanor switched to being suddenly frustrated than being a tad annoyed. "He never wants to associate himself with anyone. As if he doesn't want friends at all or something. I don't get what his deal is, like I really don't understand him at all. I tried being friends with him, but now we only talk online and most of our conversations are arguments, because he's that temperamental," Doyoung complained, but after seeing the amusement on Jaehyun's face, he bit his tongue to hold in whatever else he had to say.

Jaehyun rested his chin on his hand, asking lightly, "Who is he?"

Doyoung took a long glance at the said boy from across the room, stare not growing shy at all even when he gazed right back at him before growing bored and scribbling into his notepad. Doyoung side-eyed Jaehyun for a moment, and the latter could basically see the gears of Doyoung's mind churning in his obsidian irises.

Jaehyun's playful smile faltered immediately. A little grin turned up on the corners of Doyoung's lips, proving Jaehyun's theory of whatever the clever boy was thinking wasn't going to be something Jaehyun would necessarily like.

"Why don't you go ask him?" Doyoung inquired, leaning back in his stool.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes, chiming sarcastically, "Haha, so funny." Doyoung's gaze narrowed, probably at Jaehyun's negligence.

"I'm being serious. Look, you both are fr—acquaintances of mine, and you both need people to talk to. Stop being such a douche and maybe think about it for a minute," Doyoung hissed, crossing his arms across his long torso.

Jaehyun averted his pupils back to the 'hermit'. He watched as a small, content smile danced on his lips as he drew in the notepad in front of him, clearly lost in his own mind to notice the latter's staring. Jaehyun 'thought about it for a moment', chewing on the dry skin on his lips before sighing. "Let me give you the benefit of the doubt. Let's say I do go talk to him. He'll probably just find me weird as hell, because he obviously wants nothing to do with me anyway. You act like I couldn't see that he was refusing to even sit down at the same table as me," Jaehyun pointed out, a frown masking his face. "Plus, I'm not interested," he added, looking to his hands.

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